• last updated 23 hours ago
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Exploit new -with_headers flag in db_list_of_lists to reimplement db_foreach in a way that only one db handle is used


- api is now transaction safe (with respect to database operations executed in the code block)

- nested db_foreach statements won't risk to occupy all available handles anymore

Possible drawbacks:

- query result needs to be completely stored inside a list before looping

- calling stack is now one level deeper...

This passes automated tests

Reduce code duplication

Introduce -with_headers flag in db_list_of_lists so names of returned column values can be returned as well as the first list in the result

Reduce code duplication (passes automated tests)

improve security of ad_forms by binding request to a user

fix bracket in last commit

use usual idioms, white space changes

Remove backtick from the list of characters to be replaced by 'ad_sanitize_filename', as 'util::zip' deals with them properly now

util::zip reform.

+ Use '::zipfile::mkzip', introduced in tcllib 1.18, if available.

+ For unix-like systems, with older tcllib versions, bash was used for changing directories. This method was problematic when using certain characters for the filenames, such as backticks, for example. In order to avoid this and properly quote everything, we use tclsh instead, in a convoluted and funny way (thanks to Nathan Coulter for the hack).

+ TODO: test this method also on windows, and unify the legacy implementations if it works.

ad_return_url: change default value for default_url to "."

this is not terribly important, but probably a better approximation

switch from security::nonce_token to ::security::csp::nonce and update comments

Allow ad_return_url to be called also, when connection is closed.

This might be the case e.g. for the search renderer. In this case, a default_url is used

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Deprecate duplicated api and replace its only occurence in upstream codebase

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Add '`' to the list of sanitazable characters by 'ad_sanitize_filename'

Whitespace changes

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Fix typos

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Remove trailing whitespace

replace broken redirect with standard redirect function (auth::require_login)

Greatly reduce complexity of code required to support -export flag for ad_form:

instead of juggle variables around to mimick export_vars, just set -export flag

value as a form property, then use the real export_vars on it later when form

is rendered. This will support all current features (e.g. :multiple, :sign, :array)

more reliably and reduce code duplication.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
no need for eagerly releasing handles

make sure not to release handles active in an transaction, transactions are based on handles

revert escaped change

allow parameter::get_from_package_key to be called before acs-tcl/tcl/utilities-procs.tcl are called

don't raise exception when folder_path is empty

activate usage of "ns_db currenthandles" when available

add error, when we are running out of handles

reduce verbosity, deactivate usage 'ns_db currenthandles' for now

fix typo

db_handle reform

Use "ns_db currenthandles" (when available) to implement "db_with_handle"

instead of the old approach based on the global db_state variables.

The enws approach has the advantantge that it is

- more robust (deletion and creation of the per-request variables,

no coherency problem),

- simpler, and

- faster (less overhead per db_with_handle call, simple queries up to 20% faster)

time {db_string . {select object_id from acs_objects limit 1}} 1000

old: 200-230 microseconds per iteration

new: 160-180 microseconds per iteration

fix typo