• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
improving rendering in api-doc

- fixed validity of HTML (missing <dd>)

- use


instead of


and other variants. This improves stylability.

    • -29
    • +29
Fixed calling info in call-graph, marked verbose test as "stress"

generalize collection of compiled template artefacts

Fix typo

Make xotcl-core optional in the api-browser

include DB interface classes in API-doc

Display the actual smell in the test

New test to detect smells of hacking in the code, raising a warning when certain smelly keywords are found

fix broken regression test

VS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- improved tab handling

- revive api_proc_link, paramertize it properly

Improve cmd detection semantics in "tclcode_to_html" to avoid

misintepretations from arguments lists. Make as well explicitly clear

that the results of the private function "api_called_proc_names" is

just based on heuristics, such it can only be used in cases, where

false positives do not matter.

remove indent as well on xotcl procs, handle also per-object methods the same way

    • -18
    • +18
  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
added support for "ns_trim -prefix".

The command is predefined in NaviServer; if not available, a comatibility version is added.

This change also mitigates a potential memory-leak problem in nsv_dict with certain

versions of NaviServer which might lead on busy sites to problems.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
prettify API browser rendering for nx methods

- remove redundant doc block

- remove indentation

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
beautify labels of ensemble methods in object browser

added support for NX ensemble methods

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Piggyback apidoc::tcl_to_html to an existing test and complete acs-api-browser api coverage

improve spelling

  1. … 41 more files in changeset.
Whitespace changes

Increase test coverage

extend regression test: check, whether pages call deprecated code or private functions of other packages

    • -2
    • +105
make tcl_to_html public

Add 'acs_api_browser_search' test case, covering the api proc search of the 'api-doc' webpage

Added support for trailing non-positional arguments

The change makes the old hack with the own trailing-argument-parser

"ad_arg_parser" obsolete by using directly the c-level argument parser

which is anyhow capable of handling trailing arguments. A few changes

were necessary for api doc to handle there trailing arguments as well.

The proc "db_string" is already converted to use native arguments.

    • -27
    • +39
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- Rework acs-api-browser.callgraph__bad_calls automated test so that acs-service-contract calling contract implementation is considered OK

- Reinstate authentication service contracts as private

- Move test authority implementation to acs-authentication to remove intra-package dependency

acs-api-browser.callgraph__bad_call still fails because proc acs-tcl.install::xml::action::create-user calls private acs-authentication.auth::local::registration::Register... to be continued

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
make clear from the name that db_qd_prepare_queryfile_content is intended to be used in different packages

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
added "content_type" to the list of specially handled calls. this fixes two more cases in Test case callgraph__bad_calls

Fix extra brace

- fixed mis-classification of "max", "min" and "random" in "tclcode_to_html"

- added new test case "callgraph__bad_calls" to check for

a) calls to deprecated procs

b) direct calls to private procs from other packages ("private" means "packakge private"

    • -11
    • +29