• last updated 9 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
beautify labels of ensemble methods in object browser

added support for NX ensemble methods

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Piggyback apidoc::tcl_to_html to an existing test and complete acs-api-browser api coverage

improve spelling

  1. … 41 more files in changeset.
Whitespace changes

Increase test coverage

extend regression test: check, whether pages call deprecated code or private functions of other packages

    • -2
    • +105
make tcl_to_html public

Add 'acs_api_browser_search' test case, covering the api proc search of the 'api-doc' webpage

Added support for trailing non-positional arguments

The change makes the old hack with the own trailing-argument-parser

"ad_arg_parser" obsolete by using directly the c-level argument parser

which is anyhow capable of handling trailing arguments. A few changes

were necessary for api doc to handle there trailing arguments as well.

The proc "db_string" is already converted to use native arguments.

    • -27
    • +39
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- Rework acs-api-browser.callgraph__bad_calls automated test so that acs-service-contract calling contract implementation is considered OK

- Reinstate authentication service contracts as private

- Move test authority implementation to acs-authentication to remove intra-package dependency

acs-api-browser.callgraph__bad_call still fails because proc acs-tcl.install::xml::action::create-user calls private acs-authentication.auth::local::registration::Register... to be continued

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
make clear from the name that db_qd_prepare_queryfile_content is intended to be used in different packages

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
added "content_type" to the list of specially handled calls. this fixes two more cases in Test case callgraph__bad_calls

Fix extra brace

- fixed mis-classification of "max", "min" and "random" in "tclcode_to_html"

- added new test case "callgraph__bad_calls" to check for

a) calls to deprecated procs

b) direct calls to private procs from other packages ("private" means "packakge private"

    • -11
    • +29
improve listing of test coverage

  1. … 17 more files in changeset.
make listing of tested procs more complete

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
make listing of tested procs more complete

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
make end of options explicit

  1. … 42 more files in changeset.
Prefer 'namespace which' over 'info commands', as it is faster (on local tests, around 2x) and returns a single value. Many thanks to Nathan Coulter.

    • -18
    • +21
  1. … 57 more files in changeset.
Set some tests as 'production_safe'

Unset the right nsv in the test or leftover dummy proc names will make acs-tcl.naming__proc_naming test fail

Fix typo in proc doc

Add 'case' to the list of Tcl keywords. The command is obsolete, deprecated, not documented anymore and slated for removal in Tcl 9.0, but still exists and makes the api_doc confused and unhappy.

Whitespace changes + editor hints

Avoid looking for proc names in comments after a semicolon or an opening curly brace, so common words in comments are not included in the api-doc as calls to procs with the same name

Add 'exit' to the list of Tcl keywords, so it is properly managed by the api-doc logic

Add 'unknown' to the list of Tcl keywords, so it is properly managed by the api-doc logic

improve spelling

Fix test description