
  • last updated 10 hours ago
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Prettify subsite admin page

- Made explicit that "Administration" means "Subsite Administration"

(use the term consistently)

- Changed message key of acs-subsite.administration to "Subsite Administration"

- added icons to subsite admin index page (full set only for bootstrap icons)

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
spell "site-wide" consistently with a dash

  1. … 34 more files in changeset.
improve message key

- The message was confusing, especially to novices:

There is no "OpenACS parameter file", but a "NaviServer configuraiton file"

- bumped version number to 5.10.1b7

  1. … 23 more files in changeset.
Don't append a dot to the confirmation_url to avoid 'dead URL'-problems in e-mail clients.

Reform of permissions UI in acs-subsite:

- use simplified tabular view "perm-include" per default, but

allow user to switch to old list-based view

- show number of inherited permissions by default instead of full list

(list can be long). Admin can switch to full list.

- improved configurability of permissions/one.tcl

* ability to pass privileges to be displayed

* provided flag to show inherited_permissions

* provided flag to show detailed permissions (list view)

- improved configurability of permissions/perm-include.tcl

* provided flag "detailed_permissions_p" to provide access

to the old style interface, where all types of privileges

can be provided to all types of parties

- improved functionality of www/permissions/perm-user-add-include

* added search field for filtering users

- modernized idioms

- improved spelling

- extended internationalization

- bumped version of acs-subsite to 5.10.1d9

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.
Make spelling consistent

Replace message keys inside message keys. Many thanks to Monika Andergassen.

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
improve german message keys (spelling, comma, spaces, orthogonality)

    • -11
    • +11
  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
improve message wording for message key

Better localization for "Join policy" in German

german translations: add resonable translation for "permissable"

German message catalog: use consistently "Profilbild" instead of "Portrait" and "Benutzer" instead of "User"

    • -29
    • +29
Use more consistently "Mitglieder" instead of "Teilnehmer" for "member", not at least since "Mitglieder" requires no gendering.

Small step in the direction of gender-neutral German localization so we don't have to create a downstream message key just for this

Sort and properly HTML quote german message keys as well

Fix message key + bump version number

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.