• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Use current namespace ::tdom instead of legacy ::tDOM

improve robustness when just partial results are returned by the library

point out pre UNICODE character handling that should be fixed

addres kernel_id always via variable rathen than via method

fix wrong argument (many thank to Franz Penz for reporting the bug)

extended form-fields autocorrection handling

- added functionality of per-form-field statistics

- added support for "radio"/single choice test items

- added support for richtext handling in "radio"

- added a (limited) method to set a form-field to a correct value, based on "correct_when".

So far, just a minimal set of predicated is handled

- improved "unknown" handling, when the code does not know, whether item is correct or not

- refactored some code

- improved source code documentation

    • -24
    • +233
Check for answer being not-empty instead of being true

- use is_disabled on more places instead of just checking for the instance variable

reduce verbosity

added flag "-lookup" to Page.create_form_fields_from_form_constraints to avoid optioanlly recreation of form-fields

    • -11
    • +21
Provide a more straightforward approach of gzipping

Support gzip versions < 1.6

add fingerprinting to results

    • -6
    • +19
    • -2
    • +18
add method to select answer attributes in a predictable order

fine-tune styling of test items

move also hstore examples to xowiki

    • -12
    • +0
relocate update_hstore from xowf to xowiki::hstore, where the other hstore helpers exist

    • -34
    • +0
    • -3
    • +3
improve logging message to ease debugging in case of errors

    • -1
    • +3
backport security patch from oacs-5-10

    • -2
    • +2
some more fine-tuning of blockquotes in forums entries

fix typo

improve appearance of blockquotes in forums

add IPv6 loopback address as well as "always accepted" for web testing

Do not use web api to create the folder in this non-web test

increase symmetry: create always property "form" in all interaction types, when it does not exist

make method "is_disabled" more robust (accepting truth values in different formats)

- form-generator.css: based on former myform.css, substantially revamped

(to be used together with form field classes in test-item-procs)

- test-item classes:

* feedback_level extended to "full", "single", or "none"

middle is new for a single feedback per item

* shuffling support with 3 modes ("none", "peruser", "always").

can be used for shuffling MC questions and text_entry questions (short-text),

and in future for all "enumeration" based question types.

* new question type "mc2", shuffling multiple choice question,

fully stylable via CSS (old question type "mc" can still be used for the

time being)

* ease styling for all test-item types by added explicit wrappers

* factor out "renaming_form_loader" from online-exam*.wf (including

support methods)

- online-exam*.wf:

* fix broken behavior with shared workflow definitions when closing/opening

exams and student tried interactions. Previous code did dynamic changes in

the shared definition (probably more to come).

* used factored out renaming_form_loader

* cleanup of old code

- removed low-level rewriting of <textarea>, <input> fields, etc.

- removed dead code

- removed hard-coded stylings

- bumb version number to 5.10.0d10

    • -110
    • +34
    • -49
    • +67
    • -63
    • +258
correct links to multiple form pages (when provided)

- Address issue #3374: improve "make_link", when a page is

passed in as an object, and NO "link" is provided.

Previously, the current url was used as a base_link, now "pretty_link"

of the object is used. This is particularly necessary, when folders

are used.

NOTICE: this is a potential incompatibility (found however no case in xowiki/xowf)

where the old behavior was expected.

- the argument "method" is now optional (useful, when no method should be invoked)

- improved documentation

- updates of message keys

    • -2
    • +2
    • -12
    • +47
whitespace changes