• last updated 14 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Code was meant to check existance of the field in the dict

use request chaining interface

    • -10
    • +21
support as well the request chaining interface with "-last_request"

distinguish between dicts item_ref_info and link_info in create_link (fixes degression after change from anonymous array to dict)

fix typo

checkbox settings: refactor approach once more to aovid potential interactions with calls of "get_compound_value" from other call-sites

fix typo

add regression test for recent changes in default handling of checkboxes

# The created form contains several checkboxes, which are

# nasty to handle. When a ceckbox was marked, but is thenq

# # unchecked, this values is NOT returned by the

# browser. The server has to detect by the fact of

# untransmitted values that the instance attribute value

# has to be altered. This is very different to the

# standard cases, where the edited values are transmitted.


# The created form below handles also more complex cases:


# a) a checkbox box1, where a default is set

# b) a repeated checkbox, where one value is provided

# c) a compound field, where the compound field definition

# contains a default for the sub-component.

    • -0
    • +190
file xowiki-test-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
make use of new feature for checkbox testing in acs::test::form_reply

Bump version number to 5.10.0d26 and adjust dependencies

fix name of called proc, add warnings to raise awareness

close potential return vector via "data:*" URLs

improve spelling and deactivate changes that were probably needed only for Firefox 2

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
avoid double substitutions

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Move xowiki tests in the xowiki package

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Fix typo

Make chat_id required, as path to the chat.tcl script is now immutable and all the potentially expensive package_id retrieval was only due to defaulting the chat_id. Use cases around already define their chat_id independently

new feature: allow default of form-fields to be honored on new entries

This change allows an userfor instance to create folders with predefined

content renderer, which can be altered by the end user.

whitespace changes

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
add comments to the web callable functions (at least the AJAX ones)

whitespace changes

undo previous change, problem was solved more generically in form-field-procs.tcl

whitespace changes

improve indentation

Fix behavior, in case a default value was provided for a checkbox part of a compound field.

When the user resets this default (i.e. clears the checkmark) no data is

transmitted from the browser, but the client side has to handle this. Such cases were

so far only handled so far outside of compound fields.

Example as give my Michael Aram (many thanks!):

# Class create mycompound -superclass CompoundField


# mycompound instproc initialize {} {

# if {${:__state} ne "after_specs"} return

# :create_components [subst {

# {start_on_publish {checkbox,default=t,options={YES t}}}

# {whatever {text}}

# }]

# set :__initialized 1

# }

prefer dict over anonymous array

remove unneeded variable

check if is_self_link parameter exist - ExternalLink don't have it defined

Improvement for repeated form field procs:

- Use JSON.parse instead of eval to ease CSP handling

- Base result of "value_if_nothing_is_returned_from_form" on results of components

This change makes it possible to remove a default value of e.g. a checkbox

from an repeated field.

improve comment