• last updated 12 hours ago
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whitespace and spelling changes

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
new parameter "fallback_languages":

Specify space delimited two character codes for checking default languages. When this parameter is non-empty, try to get the page in the specified languages as fallback rather than offering a link for creation of a page in the requested locale. Per default this paramter is empty.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
return empty body in 304 replies

add missing script abort

new parameter: use_fallback_page_in_system_locale

When this parameter is set, use the page in the system locale as fallback rather than offering a link for creation of a page in that locale, when the page in the requested locale does not exist.

Bump version to 5.10.0d21

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
address global variable __csrf_token directly

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
terminate message key properly

Allow ad_return_url to be called also, when connection is closed.

This might be the case e.g. for the search renderer. In this case, a default_url is used

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
check for connection and provide fallback for return_url

Make xowf tests flexible in case a locale different than en_US is in use

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Improve m=revisions: Don't loose templating, but treat revsions like a page

Add "View" to default menu of "This Page" (when e.g. viewing revisions,

this allows to switch back to the view of the current version)

Bump version number to 5.10.0d19.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
New utility function "Page.update_publish_status" which does

essentially, what admin/set-publish-status did before (update of

publish status and related handling of syndication)

New externally callable method "toggle-publish-status". This replaces

the call of admin/set-publish-status in the includelet child-resources

to make it easier usable from the xowiki security policies.

New flag "-nocleanup" for ::xowiki::datasource, to make it callable

inside arbitrary pages without loosing calling context.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Add conveniance function lappend_property in addition to get|set property

allow more flexible form field conditions via new function evaluate_form_field_condition, which can be overloaded

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
includelete child-resources: use ad_return_url to determine return URL

includelet unresolved-references: return "none" in case, no unresolved references are found

fix xpath expression

Chat Redesign:

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
add link to syntax-rules of allowed|extra allowed content in CKEditor

formfiled ckeditor4: allow boolean value in "allowedContent" (e.g. deactivate checks alltogether)

Port from downstream a more failsafe cleanup in the importer

Refine approach by which index page is detected in bulk-delete method: previous way would treat all first level children of the root_folder as the index page, preventing bulk deletion focused on them (e.g. folders)

new includelet unresolved-references

The includelet unresolved-references lists the pages with unresolved references

in the current xowiki/xowf package instance. This includelet is intended for

use by admins.

reveive dotlrn community includelet

    • -0
    • +222
modernize code

prefer "array size" over llength of names

prefer "-base" parameter of export_vars

add quotes for nicer editor rendering

Replace single quotes wuith double quotes in javascript expressions involving acs_ListBulkActionClick

this is really needed only for the URL part, but was done on the name as well for consistency. The reason

is even a properly encoded URL could still contain single quotes, therefore breaking the expression,

while double quotes are expected to be encoded in valid, urlencoded URLs. This relies on trusting the developer

to properly encode URLs, which should be expected. An alternative could involve active escaping of

javascript special characters by e.g. ad_js_escape.

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Chat Redesign:

+ Add specific container for the chat includelet (xowiki-chat-includelet).

+ Set a sensible default for the 'xowiki-chat-includelet' size.

+ Move the 'my-user-id' hidden element in the chat adp to the chat procs.

+ Rename 'my-user-id' element to 'xowiki-my-user-id'.

+ Get the ChatSkin parameter inside the login proc.

+ Include the skin parameter in the chat includelet.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.