• last updated 13 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
make check more robust

harden page_contract

The return URL is already site-absolute and does not need manipulation

Deprecate trivial wrappers for ad_html_text_convert

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Now that oneof filter can handle a wider range of formattings, prefer this filter to manual validation

Deprecate export_ns_set_vars and extend export_vars to be able to export also a custom ns_set, which was the real added value provided by this api

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
harden page contracts

split the filters in the requires block - currently the requires block support only one filter for an argument

harden page contract

harden page contracts

harden page contracts

Cleanup leftover code

Reimplement the add/edit api to use ad_form

file comment-add-edit.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
file comment-edit.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file comment-add.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file comment-add-edit.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
Cleanup trivial remarks, provide the user_id explictly to the permission check

Fix typo

Enforce the mimetype the same in follow up script

Enforce only valid mime types

set arguments to type integer to avoid strange variable names

Fixes for Oracle 19c: boolean and blob handling

The original SQL query contained boolean values, and did not handle

blobs, which are used int the Oracle data model for the content


    • -11
    • +11
fix release dates in .info files

  1. … 82 more files in changeset.
release work

  1. … 204 more files in changeset.
regenerated documentation

  1. … 465 more files in changeset.
bump version numbers of 5.9|5.10 packages to 5.10.0b1

adjust dependencies

  1. … 87 more files in changeset.
remove dependency of general-comments on acs-mail-lite

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
complete listing of covered procs in test cases

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
improve spelling