Gustaf A. Neumann <neumann@gustaf-neumanns-imac.local>
on 06 Feb 08
* Continued with info orthogonality change
<object> info mixin ?pattern?
<class> info instmixin ?pattern?

?pattern? b… Show more
 * Continued with info orthogonality change

       <object> info mixin ?pattern?

       <class> info instmixin ?pattern?

   ?pattern? behaves exactly like in the change of two days

   ago. Preceding colons in the name of the queried class are not


   Still to do "-closure" in

       <class> info instmixin -closure ?pattern?

 * In all mentioned calls, where pattern refers to an object/class

   and it contains wild-cards, a preceding :: is added automatically

   to the search pattern, if it is missing. Since all object names

   start with ::, an omitted leading :: in a search pattern is an

   obvious mistake

 * Made the behavior "pattern" in the following calls identical

   concerning wild cards and object lookups

       <object> mixin delete pattern

       <class> instmixin delete pattern

       <class> superclass delete pattern

 * extended regresson test

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