
  • last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fixed memdebub build

Extend backport of handling of dashses in XOTcl's configure method to perform a more eager search for command begins. Extended regression test.

Don't overwrite error messages from __unknown handler in several situations (superclass, parameter class, mixin class)

- Commented Change in ChangeLog - bumped version number

Backport from nsf: when processing arguments with leading dashes in "configure", accept only method names without spaces. This solves a problem with Tcl8.4 + ns_eval where the output of the serializer could not be processed by eval (a [list ..] was lost).

Fixed wrong release level

- Httpd: force GMT dates as required by RFC

- Removed obsolete CVS-$Ids - Updated dates of Copyrights - Removed unneeded c++ hints for Emacs

    • -1
    • +0
  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
- provide hint to prevent misclassification as c++ file

- close parens in Annouce file

- updated ChangeLog

- adding anouncement for the release of 1.6.7

- bumped version numner to 1.6.7

- fixed 2 more version numbers for xotcl 1.6.7

* xotcl.c: some c-cleanup * library files: require exact version numbers to avoid conflicts with XOTcl 2.0

backport of autoname fix from nsf

serializer: fix allInstances to handle names with semicolons

- fix serializer in case the object name contains semicolons

* Backport of nsf to handle partial implicit deletes

- changed test in backport to use hashtablePtr->numEntries instead of pointer check

- Backport of fix for nsf : fixed a nasty bug within namespace deletion

- update of changelog

- make cppcheck happy

    • -0
    • +5
- configure.in: removed --with-tclinclude option, since it appears to be included in tcl.m4 (since a while). Many thanks to Victor Guerra for noticing it.

- fix for the bug reported by Neil Hampton - added regression test

* Fixed bug in filters reported by Kristoffer Lawson. When a filter chain reaches its end without finding the invoked method, the unknown state was not resetted correctly and affected method invocations in the filter after "next".

- minor updates

- fix wording in documentation

- updated Changelog - added Annouce files

- updated changelog - deactivated assertions for release