• last updated 14 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
guarantee uniqueness of IDs when multiple aggregated forms are used in one page (e.g. exam protocol)

simplify logic

Fix variable name

switch from xo::db::sql to acs::dc interface

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
Added support for www-toggle-publish-status

This is needed to avoid a bad interaction with [ad_return_url] as it

is used in www-toggle-publish-status in xowiki, since the workflow

definition unsets the actual return_url, which causes ad_return_url to

use the URL leading to this call (m=toggle-publish-status), causing a

redirection loop.

Version number bumped to 5.10.1d28

ensure html markup is well formed

"::xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages modal_message_dialog"

is returning the html link with an open a-tag, which has to be closed from the caller

display notification link while the exam is published

Update italian localization

    • -3
    • +46
  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
provide a clean representation of questions to reduce hacking and complexity

file test-helper-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
As we cannot know which kind of exercise we got on a page in advance due to randomization, make the parameter we send for an answer dependant on the question type we find

use same policy for exam statistics as for publish exam workflows

Document public api

make grading dialog draggable

make parameter name more self-expanatory to avoid misinterpretations

user forwarder for answer manager AM similar to the question manager QM

Store statistics in a separate page instead of the workflow itself

- advantages:

* smaller workflow instance

- no danger that page is too large for caching, even for large exams.

- smaller objects mean also better performance

* modification date in exam is not modified when statistics

are updated

* easier extensible

- New function WorkflowPage->childpage

easy to use interface for creating child pages

- render_submission=exam_protocol: changed name of

parameter "-form_objs" to "-filter_form_ids", since

form_objs are used typically to keep objects, not ids

- Still to do: policy for inclass-exam-statistics.wf

- Bumped version number to 5.10.1d25

file inclass-exam-statistics.wf.page was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
Fix comment

Simplify test logics, bring comment closer to relevant code

make calculation of [ns_set array [ns_getform]] more robust

in case, invalid UTF-8 is passed in, [ns_getform] might be empty.

probably this could also be addressed in NaviServer

improve styling of horizonal form fields (many thanks to Monika Andergassen)

Improve robustness of xowf.create_test_items automated test: make sure that the exercise appearing is actually supposed to render 2 images

Fixes xowf.create_test_items automated test

Fix typo

Fix tag

update message catalog

    • -10
    • +9
Port downstream change: adding label for question selection box

Many thanks to Felix Mödritscher

Normalize ordering in the catalog files to facilitate downstream merges

    • -222
    • +190
    • -251
    • +215
avoid unneccesary warnings (and unneccessary work)

In case the exam-protocol is shown filtered (e.g. only selected questions)

there is distinction between the available answer attributes and the

answer attributes, which is shown. Earlier versions tried to lookup

all available answer attributes, now we restrict the lookup to only

the shown answer attributes, and therefore avaiding running into

warnings of the form "No form field with name ... found"

improve spelling

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.