• last updated 15 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Improve robustness of xowf.create_test_items automated test: make sure that the exercise appearing is actually supposed to render 2 images

Fixes xowf.create_test_items automated test

Fix typo

Fix tag

update message catalog

    • -10
    • +9
Port downstream change: adding label for question selection box

Many thanks to Felix Mödritscher

Normalize ordering in the catalog files to facilitate downstream merges

    • -222
    • +190
    • -251
    • +215
avoid unneccesary warnings (and unneccessary work)

In case the exam-protocol is shown filtered (e.g. only selected questions)

there is distinction between the available answer attributes and the

answer attributes, which is shown. Earlier versions tried to lookup

all available answer attributes, now we restrict the lookup to only

the shown answer attributes, and therefore avaiding running into

warnings of the form "No form field with name ... found"

improve spelling

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
this warning is just important for applications using an fc-repository

Put more info in the warning

do not allow to edit unresolve links during the exam, but allow this in the preview mode

Port edit-new policy rule from original policy1 object, so that unresolved links can be rendered correctly

Fixes xowf create_composite_test_item automated test

Disallow "create-from-prototype" to non-admins in exam-answering workflows.

take out for the time being the pool question as parts of the composite question

describe_form: describe components of a copound test item rather than the container

list covered test cases

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
revert escaped debug output

streamline and extend test cases for resolving in composite items and in preview workflows

streamline substitution handling

Perform same substitutions as in other test-item workflows.

improve robustness for partial exams

Fix typo in message key, many thanks to Monika Andergassen

Make the test stricter: name the files all different so that their existance in the src of an img tag is certain for each of them

Cleanup redundant definition

added test case for SELF referemce

improve spelling

extended regression test

- show difference between [[image:...]] and [[.SELF./image ...]]

- cleanup test

    • -133
    • +142
Extend xowiki.create_test_items automated test:

in the content of questions, use .SELF. references which should point to images stored underneath the question itself. Show that when the questions are used inside of exams, the .SELF. reference will currently not be resolved to the question and result in an unresolved link.

added a test for checking the results of the preview of test-items

Since the preview workflow requires a multiple redirects, xowiki::test::edit_form_page

requires a new flag refetch to actually turn off automatic refetching of the result

page, since this does not give us access to the redirect location returned by

the edit command.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
added test case for composite test item

Added question_ids to "details" in grading info and to the "__results" property

All of test-items is name-based to support input/export from different

OpenACS instances. In some situations, it is still necessary to pinpoint

the origin of questions, e.g. when importing pool-questions to an external

gradebook, where e.g. one wants to associate a replacement questions with

the original pool question.

Now we keep an additional question id, which will point to the pool question

or the simple question together with the question names. The instance

attribute "__results" is set once the exam-protocol was rendered


__results {

UID1 {

QN1 {achieved 4 achievable 6 question_id 187610}

QN2 {achieved 0.0 achievable 1 question_id 163716}

QN3 (achieved 0.0 achievable 2 question_id 163714}


UID2 ...
