on 21 Jun
Render richtext as div reform

Some richtext editors, such as TinyMCE in inline mode, do not expect
to enhance a textarea, but a div.

We co… Show more
Render richtext as div reform

Some richtext editors, such as TinyMCE in inline mode, do not expect

to enhance a textarea, but a div.

We could already override the rendering in the richtext editor

subclass, but this has the consequence that inheritance would be

interrupted. This prevents from plugging behavior in subclasses of the

richtext formfield.

This reform refactors render_richtext_as_div from the richtext

formfield into render_as_div on the textarea class. It also supports a

flag for subclasses to instruct the superclass that they should render

the field as div AFTER the whole inheritance chain was applied.

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