• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fixed typo in message-key. Bump acs-lang version to reload message keys.

reduce verbosity

use new form-field type "correct_when"

provide new form-field "correct_when" for conveniant user interaction

the form-field type is currently just a text field with a tailored

help text, but can be extended in the future via pull-downs etc.

    • -2
    • +2
use ad_return_complaint for invalid query parameter parsing (at least in connection threads)

fix workflow such these work as well with shared workflow definitons

    • -26
    • +26
    • -38
    • +44
New test for json and utf-8 encoding against Postman Echo webservice (https://docs.postman-echo.com)

Remove unused variable

provide missing args for references call

Use template::util::tcl_to_sql_list for proper list element quoting

impreve robustness of ad_doc parsing

ns_quotehtml user submitted value inside an error message to prevent potential XSS attack

Fix incorrect proc name

- overhaul of online-exam:

- support for new question types

* text_interaction

* text_entry_interaction

* mc interacotpm

- support for autocorrection feedback in print-out (first version)

based on "correct_when" (this is per tield-type, also extensible)

currently 9 types of predicates, "btwn" (heißt "zwischen"),

eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, match, in

- fully internationlaized

- todo:

* better support for mc,

* submission certificates for students (comtaining a digest)

* percentage grading

* export for potential post-processing of results

* improved styling

    • -121
    • +253
    • -159
    • +214
- improved source code documentation

- improved checking, when ID or object is returned

    • -27
    • +57
- new interaction type text_entry_interaction (abbreviated as "te" in test_item question_type)

create multipe text interactions

- added autocorrection via "correct_when" to text interaction and text_entry_interaction

- improved source code documentation

- break overlong lines

- removed usages of :instvar

- still TODO: base mc question on complex formfile types rather than HTML primitives,

since this allows better adoption to different rendering styles and better feedback modes

    • -81
    • +249
extend message catalog

prefer resolver variables over method calls.

improve spelling

remove obsolete calls (ad_quotehtml) and make code more robust

fix for issue #3427

Trailing whitespace cleanup

Code cleanup: use "ad_form" for form processing and "ad_include_contract"; dropped support for "change-locale-include"-include attribute "return_p" as it was never used in the include's code.

Throw an error instead of a warning when trying to use template::data::validate::oneof without having specifyed the parameter "-options" on the form element which should be validated.

make sure to avoid empty .css or .js requests

    • -4
    • +6
improve robustness when partial results are returned

remove fallback to obsolete version of ckeditor and bail out instead

make "include_header_info" and therefore handling of "extra_js" more robust

    • -2
    • +6
Switch order of "ns_return 500" and "ad_log error" to see the error message also in cases, where "ns_return 500" will fail due to a already closed connection,

(Many thanks to Franz Penz for the suggestion)

move test cases for lc_monetary_currency to acs-outdated, where the definition lives