on 13 Feb 22
Fixes for Oracle 19c recursive query

Oracle has a slightly differnt syntax for CTEs require arguments, keyword "recursive" is not allowed.… Show more
Fixes for Oracle 19c recursive query

Oracle has a slightly differnt syntax for CTEs require arguments, keyword "recursive" is not allowed.

This fixes the following error during initial installation:

nsoracle.c:1367:OracleSelect: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-00905: missing keyword


       with recursive !>>>!object_hierarchy as (

           select object_type, supertype

             from acs_object_types

            where object_type = coalesce(:object_type, (select object_type

                                                        from acs_objects

                                                        where object_id = :object_id))

           union all

           select t.object_type, t.supertype

           from acs_object_types t,

                object_hierarchy s

           where t.object_type = s.supertype


       select distinct callback, callback_type as type

         from subsite_callbacks

       where event_type = :event_type

         and object_type in (select object_type from object_hierarchy)

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