
  • last updated 2 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
Update proctoring upload URL to the new one

send also HEAD requests to the request monitor

fix filtering logic

prefer "ns_conn isconnected" over "ad_conn isconnected", since the latter might not notice changes in the connect state

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
avoid double loading of bootstrap

added pool to long-calls statistics (requires at least NaviServer 4.99.5, May 2013)

use "ad_file" as a means to avoid unexpected tilde substitution in file names

improve spelling: move closer to the linux documentation recommendations

  1. … 34 more files in changeset.
fix typos

add more query details to logged query

add entries to longcalls as well when filtertime > 1s, or queuetime > 0.5s

make on/off logic less confusing

make monitor URLs easier configurable

don't use request-blocking on embedded items

improve performance of perDayCleanup significantly by not persisting Users.hits

remove all of /shared from request blocking

make blocked request easily detectable in monitoring tools like elasticsearch by using 429 as HTTP result code

added connection pool management

TODO: improved parmeterization

fix variable name (many thanks to Franz Penz)

whitespace cleanup

add support for deleted users, handle this case centrally

Try to avoid double-counting in request statistics, when a user logs

in. Previously, when a user logs in, the user was counted once as

un-authenticated user, and once as authenticated one.

TODO: when this works sufficiently well, the same should be done

as well for the 24h statistics.

- provide compatibility with Highcharts v8

- remove dependency on jquery

Highcharts: specify latest stable 7 as the version we support, as default is as today 8.0.1 , which is not compatible with current code

reduce string operations slightly

- set sanitize on logfile writer per default to 0

- change cleanup interval from 1h to 71min, since on the hour interval, there are already many things going on in OpenACS

Add 'require_html_procs' to the ::xo namespace in order to be compliant with OpenACS naming standards

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
whitespace cleanup

strengthen page contracts

whitespace cleanup

provide nicer relative times