• last updated 19 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- fixed 2 missed changes in the interface of pkg_info_new for "embeds"

Cleaned up APM handling of inherited parameters so that deletion of

a dependency works well now, the parameters page with the APM only shows

parameters specified in the package (rather than include inherited ones),

and the XML file is correclty written.

    • -10
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    • -16
    • +0
    • -18
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  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
1. nsv for package inheritance etc wasn't being set up when an admin

interactively created a new package using the APM UI. Changes for

5.6 for parameter inheritance caused that nsv to be referenced in this

case, while it wasn't for 5.5. This caused an error message in a couple

of instances.

2. Modified the package xml generator to only output parameters defined

for the package itself (rather than all, including inherited ones).

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Applied patch supplied by RyanG, apparently I'd managed to overwrite part

of this install code.

removing the instruction to restart server after package creation per http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=3340774

reducing UI ambiguity for install_p per http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=3340774 and my own experience with this feature.

1. First shot at sitewide admin ui for global parameters. You can edit them

from the sitewide admin page list that was previously built for packages

that have a sitewide-admin subdirectory. Package is now displayed for

either the existence of sitewide-admin or global parameters.

2. Did something I'd wanted to do for some time. When Nima added the

parameter_changed callback in acs subsite, he actually *moved* the

set_value call there. I've changed it so it more rationally sets the

value in the parameters page, then calls the parameter_changed callback.

3. Invented a global_parameter_changed callback that works as the regular

parameter_changed callback. This was necessary to avoid breaking existing

uses of parameter_changed.

More testing is required before release (which will hopefully happen

tomorrow, Sunday Apr 4).

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Ugh ... finally got inherited parameters right.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Add UI to create global parameters from within the APM package builder.

Display "scope" of parameters on the version parameters page.

    • -2
    • +3
1. Changed trigger functions from "opaque" to "trigger" to get rid of the

warnings during initial install (only for acs-kernel, there are a lot


2. Added "embeds" for postgresql and partially for oracle.

3. Added global parameters for postgresql and partially for oracle.

(oracle will be forthcoming shortly)

  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
Had to move a db_transaction because it was causing some sort of lock

contention deadlock in PG.

1. Disallow the addition of multiple "provides" dependencies to a package (enforce the

"one package/one service" paradigm).

2. Only allow "requires" and "extends" of installed and enabled packages - when you build a

package interactively in the APM, it installs it, and would allow you to require packages

that aren't installed, which of course would make your package fail heavily if you

mounted or otherwise tried to use it.

3. Make adding "extends" properly copy parameters of its parent package.

4. When adding a package, rebuild the cached package dependency information (added by

me in 5.5.0, I'd missed the need to rebuild the cache in the APM interactive package


    • -5
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    • -6
    • +8
    • -47
    • +10
Non-info file merge results, with conflicts resolved.

  1. … 200 more files in changeset.
Substitute ns_sendmail calls for acs_mail_lite::send one

Rolling back previos commit for 2 reasons: 1. this branch is closed; 2. the change not needed.

Retriving nextvalue of sequence using nextval sequence function.

HTML cleanup

Fix index query, and commit some apm changes that.

    • -8
    • +10
    • -2
    • +2
HTML cleanup

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Fix acs-admin subsite list to show subsite extension packages

fix for yet another occurance of: adding missing FROM-clause entry for table "acs_object_id_seq" ...

Adding missing parameters ( implements_subsite_p and inherit_templates_p). To the

apm_package_register call. Does it make sense to let the user choose the values

for this parameters in the previos form?. Bug #3162.

insert missing argument for dependency_type

add option to delete users from the admin pages (acs-admin/users/one)

    • -0
    • +26
Extract queries from tcl to xql file

- cleanup: reduce usage of deprecated functions (ad_parameter)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
HTML Strict cleanup: removed trailing slash of input, img, link, meta tags

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
HTML strict cleanup: removed trailing slash of HR and BR tags

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.
Drop database type from generic sql file.