• last updated 20 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
make sure displayed matches are spaced

provide hint for clearning menuCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    • -1
    • +3
improve message keys (grading scheme)

Whitespace changes + editor hints

Fix typo

Add xml-rpc system.* methods as exceptions in the naming__proc_naming test.

The xml-rpc package defines procs of the form system.*, that not only pollute the root namespace, but also contain the '.' character, which is not allowed by OpenACS naming standards.

The package is designed in a way that XML-RPC methods are implemented as 'ad_procs' of the same name (see package doc), and the system.* methods are standard XML-RPC methods (see XML-RPC spec). One could also expect current users of the package to have their own local 'whatever.verb' methods/ad_procs in the root namespace as well. Until future refactoring of the package to decouple XML-RPC method and proc names is done, this exception is added.

print-answers: sort answers by username

    • -9
    • +14
answer_manager get_wf_instances: pass "orderby" to xowiki.get_form_entries

provide simple CSS file for printing

Add plugin.jss, remove unneeded markup file

file plugin.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Render embedding editor more robust when multiple editors are present, fix readyOnly mode

improve spelling

add comment to clarify meaning of "current_position"

add support for multiple grading schemes

improve example menu in comment to include a separater after items

    • -4
    • +4
    • -4
    • +4
include selected grading score in feedback

remove spurious colons

whitespace changes

use explicit "create" statments

    • -1
    • +1
remove spurious colons

includelet form-usages: support additional button "slim_publish_status" for display similar to child-resource

improve spelling

fix for issue #3387: ad_return_complaint can reveal error call stacks to end users

remove useless semicolon

fix issue #3373

whitespace cleanup

strengthen page contracts

whitespace cleanup

provide nicer relative times