ssoberni <>
on 25 Aug 10
- Started separating the documentation into four documentation projects, each with its own documentation artifact: nsf (predefined.tcl),… Show more
- Started separating the documentation into four documentation   projects, each with its own documentation artifact: nsf   (predefined.tcl), nsl/nx (nx.tcl), xotcl (xotcl2.tcl), libraries   (several?). - Removed documentation blocks from gentclAPI.decls - Added default namespace resolution for documentation   entities. @project and @package can now specify a default namespace   which is applied to all relative (not fully qualified) entity   names. This avoids the redundant writing of longish qualified entity   names. As a @project may contain several @packages, multiple default   namespaces can be specified. - Added a distinct @class entity family. - @project and @package can now trace the creation of specified part   entities (@class, @object, @command) to be structurally linked to   them. - Fixed search box support for @command views - Excluded template files from output directories

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