• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added missing closing div (many thanks to Markus Moser for the report)

fix typos

make "create" explicit

bumped version numbers to 5.10.1b1

  1. … 85 more files in changeset.
Prefer usage of xowiki::bootstrap::card over per-case markup

- Use xowiki::bootstrap::card instead of manual markup per usage case

to increase configuratbility

- Many thanks to Monika Andergasse for the suggestion.

- Bumped xowiki to 5.10.1d42

- Bumped xowf to 5.10.1d54

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
improve spelling

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Disable tests to check for executables on the system

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
improved spelling

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
validate item_type

Test external command dependencies

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Make acs_mail_lite::utils::build_body, replace (commented) references in other packages

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
do not show grading_table if grading is "none"

added a paramter to allow/disallow page transation for exams

Browsers support automatic translation of a page to multiple languages.

Sometimes, this is not desired, especially in certain exams.

The change makes it possible to specify that translation is not wanted.

Fixed achieved points in exam statistics per question

In the listing "Exam Statistics per Question", only the automatically

computed achieved points were listed, but in case the points were

later changed manually, the manual points were ignored. Many thanks to

Markus Moser for the report.

Document public api

Added waiting for for inclass-exam

Use signed value for form_parameter "__object_name"

Bumped version number to 5.10.1d51

handle empty string case

skip empty entries in mc2 choices

Many thanks to Monika Andergasse for the suggestion

set return_url via ::xo::cc to avoid "connection socket is detached" error

Do not abort after the redirect, or the rest of the workflow logic after this action won't fire

Fixes xowf.create_test_items automated test

Test issuing the action "logout" to submit an inclass-exam, both with and without a return_url

document public api question_statistics_block

harden policy

Handle the case of user misconfiguration, where no item type is selected for a pool question: the resulting filter clause would be invalid in this case

split up question_info_block method

show the question_count in the title only while filling in the exam

use message key

ensure variable results is defined

show composite subquestions in question_overview_block