• last updated 7 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Test implementations of ACS Service Contract 'auth_registration'

This exposes a bug in auth::local::registration::Register where the acs-subsite parameter NotifyAdminOfNewRegistrationsP is fetched from the ad_conn package_id, rather than the subsite_id

Fix signature of service contract implementation, that is defined with 3 and not 4 arguments, complete coverage of the auth_password contract local implementation

Complete coverage of the auth_authentication contract 'local' implementation

file local-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Deprecate template::util::is_true, implemented as a simple string command oneliner since 2015 and inline occurrences

  1. … 31 more files in changeset.
Specify the empty value correctly in the authentication form fields

fixes for Oracle 19c

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
fix indentation

Remove backward compatibility check in busy code for versions before 5.1.3 (2004)

The checks for backwards compatibility have on busy sites the highest

hit rates of all entries in the util-memoize cache. Since we require the latest

OpenACS 5.9.* for upgrade to 5.10, this can be removed (17 years later).


Use the test machinery to simulate a cookie authentication

Inline sec_login_read_cookie, as it is a private api and would upset the bad calls test

Test auth::verify_account_status and complete coverage of acs-authentication

Test auth::update_local_account

Add auth::sync::job::get_authority_id to an existing test

Test auth::self_registration

Test auth::refresh_login

Cleanup code pasted twice by mistake

Bring more stuff into an existing test

    • -4
    • +13
Test for auth::get_user_id and the whole login attempts api

Document actual behavior

Test auth::get_user_id

Test auth::get_register_authority proc

Fix test name

Test auth::get_all_registration_elements

Test more public api

Test auth::can_admin_system_without_authority_p public api

file authentication-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
Test auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns public api

file authority-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
Reduce divergency between oracle and postgres codebase

    • -19
    • +0
    • -19
    • +0
    • -2
    • +11
  1. … 6 more files in changeset.