• last updated 8 hours ago
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silence log entries

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
fixed bug causing regression test to fail sometimes

The test did not perform a proper cleanup, leaving tmp-objects around

reduced number of warnings during startup

Previously, we had warning of the form

Warning: Multiple definition of _xowf__i_xowf_require_test_instance ....

due to the "init_class" of the test cases.

The problem was solved by defining an explicit class for such cases.

increased test coverage to >72%

Update automated test: we should not expect the title to be the same when the state becomes "done", as we strip the information not relevant for an ongoing exam

Disable tests to check for executables on the system

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Test external command dependencies

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Test issuing the action "logout" to submit an inclass-exam, both with and without a return_url

Make use of new API "ad_mktmpdir" and "ad_opentmpfile" instead of "ad_tmpnam"

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Tighten test for is_wf_instance

Previously, the test was based on setting of state and FormPage.

In cases, where plain FormPages are used inside an xowf package

this test was leading to wrong results.

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prefer global variable over proc

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switch from xo::db::sql to acs::dc interface

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provide a clean representation of questions to reduce hacking and complexity

As we cannot know which kind of exercise we got on a page in advance due to randomization, make the parameter we send for an answer dependant on the question type we find

Store statistics in a separate page instead of the workflow itself

- advantages:

* smaller workflow instance

- no danger that page is too large for caching, even for large exams.

- smaller objects mean also better performance

* modification date in exam is not modified when statistics

are updated

* easier extensible

- New function WorkflowPage->childpage

easy to use interface for creating child pages

- render_submission=exam_protocol: changed name of

parameter "-form_objs" to "-filter_form_ids", since

form_objs are used typically to keep objects, not ids

- Still to do: policy for inclass-exam-statistics.wf

- Bumped version number to 5.10.1d25

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Fix comment

Simplify test logics, bring comment closer to relevant code

Improve robustness of xowf.create_test_items automated test: make sure that the exercise appearing is actually supposed to render 2 images

Fixes xowf.create_test_items automated test

list covered test cases

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streamline and extend test cases for resolving in composite items and in preview workflows

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Make the test stricter: name the files all different so that their existance in the src of an img tag is certain for each of them

Cleanup redundant definition

added test case for SELF referemce

improve spelling

extended regression test

- show difference between [[image:...]] and [[.SELF./image ...]]

- cleanup test

Extend xowiki.create_test_items automated test:

in the content of questions, use .SELF. references which should point to images stored underneath the question itself. Show that when the questions are used inside of exams, the .SELF. reference will currently not be resolved to the question and result in an unresolved link.

added a test for checking the results of the preview of test-items

Since the preview workflow requires a multiple redirects, xowiki::test::edit_form_page

requires a new flag refetch to actually turn off automatic refetching of the result

page, since this does not give us access to the redirect location returned by

the edit command.

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added test case for composite test item

Test ::xowf::Package proc create_new_workflow_page

Extended regression test for test item procs

- compose exam by three exericises instead of one

- added test for short-text exercise with a file submission

- exam contain now a text exercise, a short-text exercise

with a file submission, and a MC question

- test case fills out first two questions in the test case

- bumped version number due to dependency on xowiki

(option "-next_page_must_contain" for "xowiki::test::edit_form_page")

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