• last updated 11 hours ago
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bootstrap5 theme: prettify appearance for "ad_form -mode display"

The previous change was already a big improvement. The change makes

it easier to distinguish the field labels from the field content.

Separate form widgets from label and help-text vertically by wrapping them in a div, render form labels in a larger font for better visibility

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Whitespace changes

provide navigation anchors for forms with fieldsets based on section names

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
form-template: update notation for select box, radio and checkbox to Bootstrap 5

Many thanks to Monika Andergassen

added space between icon and the info text

switched to Bootstrap 5 idioms

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Adapted standard form template to Bootstrap5 CSS classes (many thanks to Monika Andergassen)

remove all occurrences of glyphicons

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
New package: openacs-bootstrap5-theme

This is the initial checking of the OpenACS Bootstrap 5 Theme,

which is a port of the OpenACS Bootstrap 3 Theme.

In its current, premature state, the basic functionality is there for

the openacs_bootstrap5 (openacs_bootstrap5_turquois untouched), but it

covers already the base functionality of xowiki (longer way to go for

e.g. xowf, or the various other packages). Also, the graphical

fine-tuning has to be done, but e.g. glyphicons are already replaced

by Bootstrap Icons, etc.

  1. … 58 more files in changeset.