• last updated 13 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
Fixes for Oracle 19c: make query portable to Oracle by replacing USING by explicit ON joins

This fixed the following problem, where the problem is not easy to spot on first sight:

[16/Feb/2022:13:26:09][12845.7efd2d3e1700][-sched:0:41:22-] Error: nsoracle.c:1367:OracleSelect: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-00904: "NOTIFICATION_REQUESTS"."USER_ID": invalid identifier

: SQL:

: select notification_id,

: notif_subject,

: notif_text,

: notif_html,

: file_ids,

: user_id,

: request_id,

: type_id,

: delivery_method_id,

: response_id,

: notif_date,

: notif_user,

: acs_permission.permission_p(notification_requests.object_id, !>>>!notification_requests.user_id, 'read') as still_valid_p

: from notifications inner join notification_requests using (type_id, object_id)

: inner join acs_objects on (notification_requests.request_id = acs_objects.object_id)

: left outer join notification_user_map using (notification_id, user_id)

: where sent_date is null

: and creation_date <= notif_date

: and (notif_date is null or notif_date < current_timestamp)

: and interval_id = :interval_id

Notification request cleanup refactoring

One of the most expensive operations in large site is the cleanup for

notification_requests in situations, where the user has lost

permissions on an object, on which the user wanted to receive

notifications. This check was performed previously in

notification::sweep::cleanup_notifications via a permission check over

all notification requests, which can be very costly on large

sites. This change moves this cleanup into the actual notification

sending, where the permissions have to be sent anyhow.

reduce public footprint

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Remove colon that gets confused as a bind variable

Solve a potential issue when one would cleanup "dynamic" notification requests: this was done directly on the table and could therefore leave dangling acs_objects around

- cleanup all acs_objects of type 'notification_request' that do not have a corresponding entry in the table (~35000 downstream)

- embed logic of delete_dynamic_requests query inside select_invalid_request_ids query, as there the deletion is done properly

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Reduce divergency between oracle and postgres codebase

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.