• last updated 22 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
more beautification of admin pages, make interface more consistent

There is no year zero in the Gregorian calendar

prefer dict over anonymous array

prefer usage of parameter::get_from_package_key over plain parameter::get

bumped version numbers to reflect dependency on sitemap icon

file sitemap.svg was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

added sitemap icon

modernized appearance of sitemap

bumped version number to 5.10.1d10

modernized appearance of acs-admin

bumped version to 5.10.1d4

Remember pool settings for the number-of-lines filter

Added pool filtering and improved layout for Bootstrap 5

- added filter option for pools on "long-calls" page

- added support for Bootstrap 5

- added adp:icon for parameter

- Bumped version to 0.65

xo::Table::Action: added property "CSSclass"

This property exists already for all other ::xo::Table::* widgets.

Bumped version number to 5.10.1d12

minor UI improvement

prefer adp:icon over old-style .gif files

removed obsolete argument

added "invisible" to the code documentation line

Handling of cases where exercises with 0 minutes (or empty minutes fields) are used,

or when the full exam has no minutes specifed

- Provide a hint on lecturers dashboard for questions with 0 minutes

- Don't provide timer on the lecturers dashboard

- Don't provide timer for the students

- Don't show timer for very short exams/quizzes (below 1 minute)

- Provide a hint on lecturers dashboard when no timer is displayed

- When the countdown timer has expired more than a minute, display the text

that the timer has expired, rather than counting to negative values.


* It is recommended to set the end-time of the exam manually,

when a time window is specified and the total exam time is provided as 0.

* When there is no timer, the special autosaving semantics for the end of the exam

will not work (trying to get a snapshort short before the exam end).

* When there is no time-budget, the time budget control ("be able" exams) won't work

- bumping version to 5.10.1d47

    • -4
    • +7
shorten the description test and remove fa specifics

extended adp:icon

- added the feature "invisible" to <adp:icon....>

- added generic names "admin", "cog", "folder-add", "permissions", "search", and "unmount"

- added an overview page of adp-icons to the sitewide admin page

- bumped version to 5.10.1d22

reduce verbosity

Deactivate api-doc access for all registered users by default

Over many years, all "Registered Users" got per default access

to /api-doc. This is probably OK, when one assumes that the

registered users are developers. However, providing source code

access to all registered users can pose a security thread,

especially on large sites.

For new installs, api-doc is now just accessible for site-wide admins.

Providing more liberal rights for users can be achieved via

setting the permissions via the sitemap.

make update script more robust in case the table acs_privilege_descendant_map was already dropped

The old version worked on pg14, but as it looks, not on earlier pg versions.

improve message key

Reform of permissions UI in acs-subsite:

- use simplified tabular view "perm-include" per default, but

allow user to switch to old list-based view

- show number of inherited permissions by default instead of full list

(list can be long). Admin can switch to full list.

- improved configurability of permissions/one.tcl

* ability to pass privileges to be displayed

* provided flag to show inherited_permissions

* provided flag to show detailed permissions (list view)

- improved configurability of permissions/perm-include.tcl

* provided flag "detailed_permissions_p" to provide access

to the old style interface, where all types of privileges

can be provided to all types of parties

- improved functionality of www/permissions/perm-user-add-include

* added search field for filtering users

- modernized idioms

- improved spelling

- extended internationalization

- bumped version of acs-subsite to 5.10.1d9

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
UI improvements

- fixed link for reloading on apm/version-view page

- added generic icon name "check" (common icon name for checkmark)

- bumped version of acs-templating to 5.10.1d21

- bumped version of acs-admin to 5.10.1d3

- improved layout: removed text-decoration for anchors rendered as buttons.

fix list pagination for Bootstrap 5

add information how many pages are currently selected in dnd mode

Fix documentation

Check that all competences exist inside of the get_set_id api, so that it can be embedded in the same query, make it possible that the returned set is empty, so that the require logic makes sense