• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Add include contract

Add page contract, update dependencies

Generalized handling of local_return_url

I am not fully happy with the handlings of "return_url" in exam workflows.

Maybe this can be reworked in a way such that "local_return_url" is not

neccsessary in the future.

    • -2
    • +8
Add include contract

info files do not contain message keys

Fix typo

Add include contract

Add page contract

Add page contract, update dependencies

bump version number to reflect usage of a new boomerang version

added basic plugin

file rt.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

added static resource for boomerang (since it was removed from cloudflare

file boomerang-1.737.0.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

added .map files to set of dowloaded file for local installation

Test behavior of the omit formfield spec

made message keys more consistent, updated dependencies

fixed typo in version number

VS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    • -1
    • +1
Bumped version number to xowiki-5.10.1d33

    • -3
    • +3
extended adp:icon handling

Added support for multiple classes,

Added more potentially reusabel icon names,

bumped version to 5.10.1d13

improve styling of SC and MC questions with bootstrap5

Previously, the labels were written in the wrong line.

improved support for composite items generated with bootstrap5 but rendered with bootstrap3

This addresses again the problem of pregenerated composite items.

On the longer range, it would be better to avoid pregeneration at all.

Improved support for composite questions and bootstrap 5

This fixes a bug when composite questions were generated with

bootstrap3 and rendered later with bootstrap5.

    • -2
    • +2
improve bootstrap5 compatibility for inclass exam

    • -1
    • +2
fix links of last commit

    • -2
    • +4
extended generic names by "user" and "list-alt"

improve support of inclass exam for bootstrap 5

    • -9
    • +9
Preliminary cleanup

In this test we will loop through instances of ::xowiki::Page currently in memory to perform some checks. When multiple tests run in the same request, we cannot guarantee that other tests won't create ::xowiki::Page instances that won't comply with the conditions here. We cleanup any existing object in advance to start from a clean slate.

reduce number of anonymous arrays, improve error message and double check for package initialization

    • -5
    • +19
Skip processing for all formfields that are defined as disabled:

the browser should not send us these data in the first place.