• last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Make fs::get_file_package_id more robust to cases where the package_id is not set on the object itself: climb up the hierarchy

Don't trust blindly the mime-type determined by the file extension and try to use the unix command "file" when available

add safety belt for unexpected behavior which can show up in some error cases.

Reduce dependencies on YUI 2

- Added native CSS classes for Tree renderer

(named "xowiki-tree" to avoid name clashes).

- Made TreeRenderer more configurable, by providing css class names etc.

- toc includelet: replaced default (when no style is provided)

from yuitree to list + xowiki-tree.

The old behavior can be achieved by {{toc -style yuitree}}

Note that not all features of the YUI tree might be available

- The CSS variant with xowiki-tree can also be used for the folder-tree,

but so far, the bootstrap3 renderer is more nice.

    • -14
    • +25
New automated test

file db-quoting-test.txt was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Provide a fallback for vhost_url in ad_conn for code executed before this value has been set by the request processor

provide a clean representation of questions to reduce hacking and complexity

file test-helper-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
Display the actual smell in the test

As we cannot know which kind of exercise we got on a page in advance due to randomization, make the parameter we send for an answer dependant on the question type we find

Modernize api

Improve test robustness:

the folder in the test is required, so it might be the case that its state was already tampered with. Change the test to first make sure the state from db and object are consistent, whatever they are, then perform some set/fetch/check tests on 3 arbitrary states

extended regression test

improve spelling

make API call a public one

    • -10
    • +12
issue error for unexpected value

added missing space

date formfield does not need special conversion when converting to external, its value is already converted when rendered

use same policy for exam statistics as for publish exam workflows

Document public api

Reduce need for xql

Cleanup hacks addressing #2011927 bug in Oracle: this has been supposedly addressed in version 9i, already EOL

See http://oracle-docs.dartmouth.edu/dba-docs/patchset_9.2.0.4.htm

prefer YUI 2.9.0 when available

    • -34
    • +68
added yui-2.9.0

This is still hopelessly outdated, but less vulnerable than yui 2.7.0

we had so far, and still sufficiently compatible

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
file datasource-min.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file container.css was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file container-min.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file connection-min.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file button.css was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.