• last updated 14 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
i18n stuff

Mostly i18n stuff for assessment

prototype page for printed documentation

    • -0
    • +44
use page language for localizing a page

return date in connection locale

Fixing expand/collapse for messages, individual and global behavior.

Now the collpase.css and expand.css are no longer needed, just commentted

those additions.

    • -1
    • +2
    • -3
    • +3
provide support for outputting toc in list style

fix coding issue when importing with translation binary

Added message to inform that portlet is shaded

Fix quoting of javascript.

Patch#857 from Åsmund Realfsen fixes bug#3122

Moved permissions check to tcl to improve query

Fixed long taking query by dealing with permissions and privileges in tcl

Utility procedurs to generate inline diffs for text or html. Includes

special MS Word HTML option to ignore Word tags when generating a diff.

    • -0
    • +259
PG 8.3 catches a boneheaded foreign key reference of type varchar(100) to

object_id (integer).

Some time, long long ago, the PSQL "\copy" command syntax change, but the

old syntax was accepted. As of PG 8.3, the old syntax is no longer allowed.

Don't dequeue twice. Added a default switch in search indexer for operation that does not match update/insert nor delete

    • -22
    • +23
Removed link to the truly horrid, dangerous subscribe people and do magic


Add box tag from xarg. If you use Zen css you get nice boxes that look

just like portlets!

Fixed empty feedback div and dependance of score display to feedback

remove dependency on internet connection

    • -7
    • +3
fix escaped file

fix for references clause

fix initialization of composite fields

dont center all pictures

setting import file binary to avoid end-of-line translation problems

allow to turn off all substitutions

    • -1
    • +3
turn off substitutions in code listings

    • -3
    • +3
prettifying code listings and blockquote

Removed Ajax as it was causing trouble

Fixed some minor bugs