
  • last updated 21 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fix variable name

switch from xo::db::sql to acs::dc interface

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Added support for www-toggle-publish-status

This is needed to avoid a bad interaction with [ad_return_url] as it

is used in www-toggle-publish-status in xowiki, since the workflow

definition unsets the actual return_url, which causes ad_return_url to

use the URL leading to this call (m=toggle-publish-status), causing a

redirection loop.

Version number bumped to 5.10.1d28

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ensure html markup is well formed

"::xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages modal_message_dialog"

is returning the html link with an open a-tag, which has to be closed from the caller

display notification link while the exam is published

Document public api

make grading dialog draggable

make parameter name more self-expanatory to avoid misinterpretations

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Store statistics in a separate page instead of the workflow itself

- advantages:

* smaller workflow instance

- no danger that page is too large for caching, even for large exams.

- smaller objects mean also better performance

* modification date in exam is not modified when statistics

are updated

* easier extensible

- New function WorkflowPage->childpage

easy to use interface for creating child pages

- render_submission=exam_protocol: changed name of

parameter "-form_objs" to "-filter_form_ids", since

form_objs are used typically to keep objects, not ids

- Still to do: policy for inclass-exam-statistics.wf

- Bumped version number to 5.10.1d25

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Port downstream change: adding label for question selection box

Many thanks to Felix Mödritscher

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avoid unneccesary warnings (and unneccessary work)

In case the exam-protocol is shown filtered (e.g. only selected questions)

there is distinction between the available answer attributes and the

answer attributes, which is shown. Earlier versions tried to lookup

all available answer attributes, now we restrict the lookup to only

the shown answer attributes, and therefore avaiding running into

warnings of the form "No form field with name ... found"

do not allow to edit unresolve links during the exam, but allow this in the preview mode

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Port edit-new policy rule from original policy1 object, so that unresolved links can be rendered correctly

Fixes xowf create_composite_test_item automated test

Disallow "create-from-prototype" to non-admins in exam-answering workflows.

take out for the time being the pool question as parts of the composite question

describe_form: describe components of a copound test item rather than the container

improve robustness for partial exams

Added question_ids to "details" in grading info and to the "__results" property

All of test-items is name-based to support input/export from different

OpenACS instances. In some situations, it is still necessary to pinpoint

the origin of questions, e.g. when importing pool-questions to an external

gradebook, where e.g. one wants to associate a replacement questions with

the original pool question.

Now we keep an additional question id, which will point to the pool question

or the simple question together with the question names. The instance

attribute "__results" is set once the exam-protocol was rendered


__results {

UID1 {

QN1 {achieved 4 achievable 6 question_id 187610}

QN2 {achieved 0.0 achievable 1 question_id 163716}

QN3 (achieved 0.0 achievable 2 question_id 163714}


UID2 ...


Remove unopened tag

remove statement used for testing

use the same idiom everywhere ("create_components" can now handle empty lists)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
change default to per-user-shuffling

re-introduce check for empty string to avoid an empty list entry in the spec

- added anchor title for configuration button

- reduced verbosity

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Improved configurability of inclass exam

- added modal window for showing all configuration options

- depending on the state of an exam (whether students have stated

working on the exam or not) different options can be

altered. E.g. the grading scheme can be adjusted at any time, since

it is not visible to students prior to exam review.

- improved configurability of form-fields:

. new feature: fc_repository for shared definitions

(can be reused in the same configuration on multiple occasions)

. when form-constraints are defined with an empty short-spec,

the system tries to look this up from the fc_repository.

- extended answer manager:

. new method: student_submissions_exist

. renamed methods

. "student_submissions" -> "submissions"

(since result my include as well test run results)

. "get_answers" -> "get_answer_attributes"

to better distinguish from "submissions"

- base "merge_constraints" on dicts

- prefer forwarder over instance variable for referring

the question manager(QM)

- extended Message keys with "Configuration"

- added missing German translations in message keys

- bump version to 5.10.1d17

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
use same idom for loading named forms as on other places

Added support for user-supplied grading schemes

Grading schemes provide a means to map achieved percentages to a numeric grade.

In the current versions, a fixed number of 5 grades is supported.

A grading scheme consists of a grounding scheme and grading boundaries.

- A grading scheme can be selected at exam definition time

- Lecturers can define their own grading schemes and reuse these between exams

- Available grounding schemes:

* no rounding (recommended for small exams, e.g. 5 minutes or 2 points)

* by percent (the calculated percentages are rounded to the provided number of digits)

* by points (the calculated points are rounded to the provided number of digits)

- The grounding precision can be defined by the user (e.g. to 2 digits)

- The grading boundaries represent percentages boundaries necessary for a certain grade

- When selecting no grading scheme, no grading information is provided in the exam protocol

(just percentages)

More changes:

- allow grading also, when student has not submitted the exam

- added percentage information in the grading-box (esp. useful for composite questions)

- renamed predefined grading schemes to more neutral terms

- provide easy-to-type names for question-manager, answer-manager and form-loader

- new utility for more robust list-comparions

- defined validating form-field type for grading boundaries

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
Document public api

added input validation for points in modal dialog

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
fix spurious colons

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.