• last updated 2 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added page to warn when deleting relationships

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added client_id to cached attributes

updating extend proc for attributes so that type specific attributes such as first_names, last_name, email, organization name, etc are pulled from the type specific table instead of the ams attribute values table, this is both faster and allows other packages to update this information and have it reflected in the extend

fixing bug for visibility check

enabling people that had previously been in a group to be approved again

fixing bug for title selection (it comes from the acs_objects table not contact_searches table)

fixing bug so that recent searches are correctly displayed

enabling name to show up for organization csv exports

Added support for sorting of relationships by date

    • -1
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Added date for groupmembership

Changed callback execution

making it so that users are displayed in the users group even if they are not in any other group

Added export files done by matthewg

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    • +52
Added creation date to the relationship, made sure that select groups does not complain if there is no object_id_two. Made sure that contact-attributes uses the package_id parameter which is needed due to the switch for multiple contacts instances

    • -2
    • +4
Mass commit. Made sure that role_two and object_id_two work with the new relationship adding. Made sure the callback for relationships contains the package_id, I18N groupnames

Changed the behaviour of the name due to the fact that all clients expect if they search for a name and click on it that the realtionship is generated

added switch to get employee date from cache

Fixed return_pdf_p problem

Added new callbacks

Added 7 and 14 days

Added simpler oo-mailing called werbermailing

    • -0
    • +213
Added public searches to the search list

    • -5
    • +16
matching messages with cleaned up contact_search widget

    • -2
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    • +3
Cleaning up contact_search widget, setting it to use select_with_optgroup widget instead of select widget and reducting the number of unneeded select lines

    • -17
    • +18
added bulk action to move relationships to other contact

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we no longer need party_id for tasks

Moving informing information to after_html in other widgets, so that not as much information is present in the urls if form info is changed since inform information is no longer treated as a form variable

extend columns saved in the search (as opposed to being added via the front page) are no longer preserved when moving around between saved searches... that way when you view a number of searches in a row that have extended columns associated with them all the columns don't keep getting added to the view. this used to result in a large number of extended columns being shown even though users weren't expecting it

adding a blank value for type if the search already exists so that the form doesn't assume attribute was selected when in fact they were saving the form or searching or something else...

improving error reporting look, this lets the error reporting remain with the widget instead of showing up randomly a few lines down (dependent on the form setup and provides a nice off red box drawing attention to the location of the error