• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Cleaning up contact_search widget, setting it to use select_with_optgroup widget instead of select widget and reducting the number of unneeded select lines

    • -17
    • +18
added bulk action to move relationships to other contact

    • -2
    • +17
    • -0
    • +5
    • -3
    • +17
    • -0
    • +23
    • -0
    • +41
we no longer need party_id for tasks

Moving informing information to after_html in other widgets, so that not as much information is present in the urls if form info is changed since inform information is no longer treated as a form variable

extend columns saved in the search (as opposed to being added via the front page) are no longer preserved when moving around between saved searches... that way when you view a number of searches in a row that have extended columns associated with them all the columns don't keep getting added to the view. this used to result in a large number of extended columns being shown even though users weren't expecting it

adding a blank value for type if the search already exists so that the form doesn't assume attribute was selected when in fact they were saving the form or searching or something else...

improving error reporting look, this lets the error reporting remain with the widget instead of showing up randomly a few lines down (dependent on the form setup and provides a nice off red box drawing attention to the location of the error

creating order_title for untitled searches so that they are returned in the order of most recently created through least recently created

adding package_id to default group select clause

minor bug fixes to contacts::default_groups

adding package_id to a number of procs so that they can be used by packages other than contacts to get information out of a contacts instance

    • -4
    • +16
not caching contact::search::party_p since there is no need to use up memoize space for this information here, since its fast enough without it

performance improvement to party_p_not_cached query

minor bug fixes and adding contact::search::party_p* procs

minor bug fixes, layout cleanup and adding contact::search::party_p_not_cached proc

removing employee specific cache flushes that are not comprehensive and replacing with a full contact flush

relationships extension callback was improperly named and overriding attributes extension

Adding support for relationship extend columns

    • -2
    • +113
fixing support for contacts::multirow so that a multirow column other than party_id can be used as the extension key

Cleaning up

    • -0
    • +229
removed custom code

checking auth::UseEmailForLoginP to see if email is used for username, if not then when a users email address is updated the username no longer also updated

enabling text/html extension of multirow so csv export does not containt html formatting

minor bug and performance fixes for aggregated searches

added limit_type_p to contact::search_clause to keep performance tuning in place

Added limit_type_p to contact::search_clauses , so that it behaves as it did before performance tuning, this enables performance tuned queries to not use an object tpye limitation, but by default limits based on the search type

adding catalog messages needed by aggregated reports

    • -0
    • +5
Adding aggregated reporting based on extended columns. This type of reporting is able to accept aggregation based on multiple criteria, based on any extended column - including those integrated via callbacks.

Adding link to aggregated report if an extended column is used

fixing bug so taht the party_in_search_sub_clause uses the database key specified by the sql query that is doing the search

    • -3
    • +3