• last updated 17 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- add script_dir to list of exported variables for xinha

Fix merge error. From clause bit and the part that sets the filter

value was left out of previous commit.

Add text_radio, text_checkbox, text_select form widgets to allow multple-choice other style usage

Add porlet title property to box tag.

Allow preparing single element or filter. Allow setting properties for

multiple elements (for example, hiding a list of elements.).

Fix multivar handling to acutally respect the variables you set in the

filter specification.

Preliminayr change that would allow new aggregate functions to be

defined (without changing existing behavior.) Also chaging the if

statement to check for "sum" when deciding whether or not to calculate

the sum is more clear. Add one more fix to make sure we don't try to

do math on non-numerical data.

Add code for TIP#128 Add filter_select_clause and filter_from_clause to template::list filters.

Handle grouping in CSV if data is grouped.

Add output headers so you get a reasonable filename and you can open

the results in Excel of OpenOffice.

Export element labels as CSV column headers.

Add configurable bulk action javascript function.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Checking for Chrome user-agent in a more explicit way.

Hack in checks for support of xinha depending on the user-agent versions,

there was a problem when the user-agent was chrome.

Set default to "openacs" for tinymce

Fixed HTML


- fixed typo

- fix to retrieve htmlarea_id elements for tinymce initialization

Indent code

Fix bug 3150 applying patch 875 provided by miguelc

HTML Strict cleanup: removed trailing slash of input, img, link, meta tags

  1. … 20 more files in changeset.
HTML strict cleanup: removed trailing slash of HR and BR tags

  1. … 24 more files in changeset.
Merged from 5.4.2

  1. … 282 more files in changeset.
Working on theme-zen compatible OpenACS CSS+HTML (not done)

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Upgrade to Xinha 0.95

  1. … 181 more files in changeset.
activating rich-text support for Safari 3+ and Opera 9+ as supported by Xinha and TinyMCE

Merge order option for add_css from oacs-5-4

Added column to links multirow to be able to order stylesheets

Add box tag from xarg. If you use Zen css you get nice boxes that look

just like portlets!

Don't put out row in the HTML tag, it's not an attribute

Put "<div>" around hidden elements put out by the formtemplate tag when a custom

template layout rather than a style template is used and that custom template

layout doesn't put out the hidden elements manually.

Adding tinymce support.

  1. … 575 more files in changeset.
provide IDs for forms

provide IDs for forms