• last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Addresses bug 1148, bug 1149 (and performance problems generally with plpgsql functions).

eliminate with(isstrict,iscachable) in favor of the new syntax strict, immutable, stable.

bump version of acs-kernel, acs-content-repository to 5.0.0b4, upgrade scripts provided.

Fix bugs with the following plpgsql procs:

acs_object__initialize_attributes: raise exception on null input.

acs_object__set_attribute: exception on null input

acs_object_util__get_object_type: remove the exception after the return statement

apm__unregister_package: properly default cascade_p

apm__unregister_service: properly default cascade_p

content_item.get_parent_folder: infinite loop on input if not a direct descendent of a folder (fixed on oracle too)

content_item__get_context: exception on null input, fix bug in exception print (wrong variable name)

content_item__is_publishable: returned t on null and invalid items

content_item__is_subclass: did not short curcuit loop when subclass found

content_item__move: would silently ignore null target_id

content_revision__copy_attributes: generate an exception on null input

content_revision__export_xml: generate exception if called (unimplemented in postgres)

content_symlink__copy: generate exception if called (unimplemented)

apm_package__parent_id: returned -1 on not found rather than null

content_folder__is_registered: no default provided in code for include_subtypes

content_keyword__is_assigned: no default for recurse...

content_revision__import_xml: generate exception if called (unimplemented in postgres)

content_revision__index_attributes: generate exception if called (unimplemented in postgres)

content_type__trigger_insert_statement: now generates exception on null input (was silent failure)

number_src: infinite loop on null input

rule_exists: fix case folded lookup

Declare the following stable:

get_func_definition get_func_header acs_message__name

acs_object_type_insert_tr acs_message__message_p

acs_object_type__pretty_name acs_message__first_ancestor

acs_object_type__is_subtype_p acs_objects_get_tree_sortkey

acs_object__name acs_object__default_name

acs_object__get_attribute_storage acs_object__get_attribute

acs_object__check_path acs_mail_link__link_p

acs_object_util__object_type_exist_p acs_object_util__get_object_type


acs_object_util__object_ancestor_type_p acs_object_util__object_type_p

acs_rel_type__role_pretty_name acs_rel_type__role_pretty_plural

party__email person__name person__first_names person__last_name


acs_user__receives_alerts_p group_contains_p

acs_message_get_tree_sortkey acs_mail_body__body_p

acs_permission__permission_p acs_mail_multipart__multipart_p

content_keyword__get_heading acs_group__name acs_group__member_p

rel_segment__get rel_segment__name rel_constraint__get_constraint_id

rel_constraint__violation rel_constraint__violation_if_removed

content_keyword__get_description site_node_get_tree_sortkey

timezone__convert_to_local timezone__get_offset

timezone__get_rawoffset timezone__get_abbrev timezone__get_date

timezone__isdst_p rdbms_date apm__register_p timezone__get_id

doc__get_proc_header apm__parameter_p apm__id_for_name apm__get_value

apm__get_value apm_package__initial_install_p apm_package__singleton_p

apm_package__num_instances apm_package__name

apm_package__highest_version apm_package__parent_id

apm_package_type__num_parameters content_keyword__is_leaf

acs_sc_msg_type__get_id acs_sc_msg_type__get_name

acs_sc_contract__get_id acs_sc_contract__get_name

acs_sc_operation__get_id acs_sc_impl__get_id acs_sc_impl__get_name

acs_sc_binding__exists_p cr_items_get_tree_sortkey

content_keyword__is_assigned content_keyword__get_path

content_template__is_template cr_keywords_get_tree_sortkey

content_template__get_path table_exists column_exists trigger_exists

trigger_func_exists rule_exists content_folder__is_registered

content_folder__get_label content_folder__get_index_page

content_type__get_template content_type__trigger_insert_statement

content_type__is_content_type content_item__get_root_folder

content_item__is_published content_item__is_publishable

content_item__is_valid_child content_item__get_id

content_item__get_template content_item__get_content_type

content_item__get_live_revision content_item__get_revision_count

content_item__get_context content_item__get_latest_revision

content_item__get_best_revision content_item__get_title

content_item__get_title content_item__get_publish_date

content_item__is_subclass content_item__is_index_page

content_item__get_parent_folder content_revision__get_number

content_revision__revision_name content_revision__is_latest

content_revision__get_content content_symlink__is_symlink

content_symlink__resolve_content_type content_extlink__is_extlink

content_folder__is_folder content_folder__is_empty

file_storage__get_root_folder file_storage__get_package_id

forums_message__root_message_id content_symlink__resolve

  1. … 42 more files in changeset.
dont put the giant comment inside the function defintion for tree_ancestor_keys since it gets logged to the postgresql log ugh

casts in tree_left and tree_right (pg 7.4 needs them it seems), bump version to 5.0a5, upgrade script provided

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Merged with 4.6 branch

  1. … 30 more files in changeset.
Changed a minor bug regarding the definition of user_tab_comments, bumped

to 4.6.3 and added an upgrade script (we may not release a 4.6.3 but if we

do, we're ready!)

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
merge bartt PG 7.3 fixes from HEAD

  1. … 54 more files in changeset.
Patches to make OpenACS PG 7.3 compatible.

  1. … 54 more files in changeset.
Fix user_tab_comments view so it works on 7.2 (adds objsubid = 0)

added tree_increment_key() function

PG-7.2.1 returns false for 0<2^7. strange indeed. 2^7>0 returns true

Minor typo, another apostrophe catastrophe.

Added "iscachable" to "tree_ancestor_p".

Moved from 7/15 bit keys to 7/31 bit keys to accomodate big flat trees.

fixed instr for searching backwards

Renamed a column named "timestamp" in the security package because this is

now a reserved word in PG (correctly). I changed the Oracle version, too,

because I know that 9i has added the "timestamp" datatype and even if it

will accept it as a column name it's confusing.

I also changes postgresql.sql to load correctly under PG 7.1 and 7.2.

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

Incorporated Marc Fournier's PG 7.2 fix for finding comments on a column.

New checks for proper PG configuration and some PG 7.1 vs. PG 7.2 changes

in postgresql.sql (which now checks at varies its behavior according to

the version being run).

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Oops added a couple of comments with single apostrophes within a quoted

string (PL/pgSQL function body)

Fixed some errors in my earlier hacking on hierarchical queries...

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

Added code to make use of David Walker's wonderfully abusive hack on the

pg_proc table that showed me how to write recursive SQL functions. We now

have good use of the index on tree_sortkey when climbing the tree, woo-hoo!

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.

Changed the representation of tree_sortkeys from "text" to "bit varying".

  1. … 62 more files in changeset.

Check the comments in postgresql.sql - my previous commit didn't quite work

as expected.

I also removed an ugly assumption made in the PG port in bboard-procs.tcl.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Added "tree_left" and "tree_right" in order to optimize tree queries, which

I did for the bboard package. "LIKE (tree_sortkey || %)" never uses the

index as we thought it did, as it turns out ... see postgresql.sql for

example queries that do.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Mostly added the schema-browser, some other minor fixes ...

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
Add a couple more Oracle-alike views

Fixed a few spelling mistakes

Ported a bunch more of acs-subsite

Fixed a few small, acs-subsite related bugs

  1. … 41 more files in changeset.
Use semicolon as argument name / default value separator, instead of

colon (makes it easier to use in pl/pgsql)

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Port package_instantiate_object

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Add instr(varchar,char) helper function

applied patch from Steve Woodcock

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.