
  • last updated 54 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Bumped info files in preparation for final release.

  1. … 22 more files in changeset.
Bumped version number and release date in anticipation of releasing beta1

after tomorrow's OCT meeting.

  1. … 22 more files in changeset.
Fix use of ns_mktemp with /tmp/ hard coded. Fix case when tmp file is not cleaned up when a string is used for a file storage type

Bumped HEAD to 5.6.0d1.

  1. … 22 more files in changeset.
Bumped release date as I'll be releasing today.

  1. … 22 more files in changeset.
Bumped version numbers

  1. … 22 more files in changeset.
- fix one more typo in deprecated command

Fied a typo: "-item_id $item_id" is better than "-item_id item_id'.

Fixed a problem with the deletion of lob.sql-based ("pseudo-lob") binary


    • -0
    • +6
Fix for search implementation


use content::extlink instead of the deprecated content_extlink:: api, add content::extlink::edit function

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
switch foo_id_seq.netval to nextval('t_foo_id_seq') calls to placate postgresql 8.

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Fixed some PG code cut-and-pasted into the Oracle version. Cut-and-paste

of PG code into Oracle rarely works...

remove deprecated calls to ad_parameter

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- remove lock statements, which seem not needed anymore with Postgres 8.2 or newer

Avoid implict binary encoding by setting encoding flag explicitly; see

Checking that the is not null when copying it to same parent folder

of the source folder.

Adding basic checks to content_folder.copy procedure in order to avoid

infinit loops.

    • -0
    • +679
    • -28
    • +34
    • -0
    • +125
Preparing for release:

1. Created new ChangeLog file

2. Created new docs

3. Bumped version numbers

  1. … 152 more files in changeset.
Bumped version numbers to 5.4.3b1.

  1. … 21 more files in changeset.
Add proc to resize images that are already in the CR to provide thumbnail and other sizes

Remove DOS line endings

Upgrade script for increasing maximum length of a cr type name.

    • -0
    • +106
Removed files that have been removed on oacs-5-4 but not merged to HEAD

HTML Strict cleanup: removed trailing slash of input, img, link, meta tags

  1. … 21 more files in changeset.
Increased the maximum length of a CR type in postgres because the default

maximum identifier length has been 63, rather than 31, characters since,

ummm, care to guess? How about PG 7.3 !!!

Bumped versions numbers to 5.5.0d1

  1. … 20 more files in changeset.
Got rid of stupid logging of delete operations, just as I did on PG.

Removed stupid NOTICEs to the log file when deleting stuff. Slows large

deletes down a LOT and fills log file with GARBAGE.