• last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added chat-includelet alias

Removed *imsld* from dotlrn-extras. It will reappear in a future release

after problems are fixed, hopefully.

alias for *eduwiki*

Oops misspelled my package name.

Added my object management work-in-progress as a module to simplify

checkout by MGH and UC3M.

karma to alvaror for planner and pages, and aliases

Moved views from dotlrn-extras to dotlrn-all (approved at honchos for 2.5)

karma for alvaror on evaluation/evaluation-portlet

alvaro karma on *learning-content* packages

aliases for *learning-content* package

karma on categories dotlrn-content content-portlet

After all these years, noticed that acs-subsite was not part of the modules


Added layout-managed-subsite

Added acs-templating

Adding module for xowiki-portlet package.

New modules

Disable postcomit_actions which don't work anymore anyway.

Set date format to old so we don't get conflicts. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=479752

Removed content-portlet, added layout-manager and content-includelet

Testing modules file

Remove postcommit_actions

set use new info format strings

Remove cvs_acls

Added openacs-default-theme (will this mess up oacs-5-4 checkouts? I'll

check as we'll be releasing again, soon)

eliminating entries miguelm lars peterm, this needs more cleanup

karma for stefans over rep

Another missing module - acs-tcl

Added acs-kernel and acs-content-repository to the modules list

Added derickl ...

fix in content-portlet alias