• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Testing modules file

Remove postcommit_actions

set use new info format strings

Remove cvs_acls

Added openacs-default-theme (will this mess up oacs-5-4 checkouts? I'll

check as we'll be releasing again, soon)

eliminating entries miguelm lars peterm, this needs more cleanup

karma for stefans over rep

Another missing module - acs-tcl

Added acs-kernel and acs-content-repository to the modules list

Added derickl ...

fix in content-portlet alias

Remove ciabot, its causing an error and I don't have time to fool with it

Removed notifications from various places since it is now in core.

Added notifications, tsearch2-driver and intermedia-driver to core

Avail for byronl on packages dotlrn-content, content-portlet

Adding alias for packages: dotlrn-content and content-portlet

Give agustinl write on all openacs-4

avail abelp over imsld*


Added imsld packages to dotlrn-extras as agreed during dotlrn meeting (5-jun-2007)

added alias for package tracker

Removed workflow and user-preferences, which aren't used by .LRN

Removed clipboard as only lors-central needed it, and we're removing it from

dotlrn-extras until it is rationalized/repaired/etc.


Removed "lors-central" from dotlrn-extras

karma granted to cesarc for merge failing packages

Add Raul Morales and Alberto Pesquera as committers

Added theme-zen

Change anvik to avni

Give Alex Sokoloff access to the entire tree