- bumped version to 0.161
- substantially improved scalability when acessing xowiki form pages
based on attributes specified in revision tables.
- much faster version of folders.folder_query (mostly relevant, when having
hundreds/thousands of folders) and FormPage.get_form_entries
- transferred hstore support from xowf to xowiki (e.g. utilities in
- FormPage.hstore_attributes: added configurable support for
specifying, what attributes of instance-attributes should
be used in hstore.
- change virus scanning from "clamscan" to "clamdscan"
(use daemon-based version for improved performance
when uploading files)
# - xowiki_form_instance_item_index:
# A materialized table of xowiki formpage instances, containing
# just the item information, but combined with other attributes
# frequently used for indexing (like page_id, paren_id, ... hkey).
# Rationale: The quality of indices on cr_revisions tend to
# decrease when there are many revisions stored in the database,
# since the number of duplicates increases due to non-live
# revisions. This table can be used for indexing just the live
# revision on the item level.
# select count(*) from xowiki_form_instance_item_index
# where package_id = 18255683
# and page_template = 20260757
# and publish_status='ready';
# Define helper views in connection with the form_instance_item_index:
# - xowiki_form_instance_item_view:
# A view similar to xowiki_form_pagei, but containing already
# often extra-joined attributes like parent_id, object_type,
# publish_status, etc.. This view returns
# only the values of the live revisions, and uses
# "form_instance_item_index" for quick lookup.
# select * from xowiki_form_instance_item_view
# where package_id = 18255683
# and page_template = 20260757
# and publish_status='ready';
# - xowiki_form_instance_children:
# Return the root_item_id and all attributes of the
# form_instance_item_index of all child items under the tree based
# on parent_ids. Use a query like the following to count the
# children of an item having a certain page_template (e.g.
# find all the folders/links/... having the the specified item as
# parent).
# select count(*) from xowiki_form_instance_children
# where root_item_id = 18255779
# and page_template = 20260757
# and publish_status='ready';
# - xowiki_form_instance_attributes
# Return for a given item_id the full set of attributes like the
# one returned from xowiki_form_instance_item_view. The idea is to
# make it convenient to obtain from a query all attributes
# necessary for creating instances. The same view can be used to
# complete either values from the xowiki_form_instance_item_index
# select * from xowiki_form_instance_item_index xi
# left join xowiki_form_instance_attributes xa on xi.item_id = xa.item_id;
# or from xowiki_form_instance_children
# select * from xowiki_form_instance_children ch
# left join xowiki_form_instance_attributes xa on ch.item_id = xa.item_id;