• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fix for bug 3153 to 'consider anonymous users' was wrong. rolling back.

Fix for bug 3153 to 'consider anonymous users' was wrong. rolling back.

Added a simple utility to transform a pretty name into a path snippet.

Admin page listed too many elements for includelets bound to the subsite

(true of "package-less" includelets which have their application set to

the package containin the includelet, rather than a base application like

news or forums)

changed registered_user magic to unregistered_vistor hopefully to prevent anonymous posts without permission

Don't quote URLs used in javascript

don't quote URLs used in javascript

Don't delete dom trees until returning otherwise subtree references will be deleted too and can not be used once the temporal one is deleted.

    • -32
    • +92
add missing keys and spanish translations

- more portable and consistent content management for OrderedComposite->contains

Move previous after_upgrade callback that was in install:: namespace to the new apm:: one to avoid confusion

- removed "required" from parameters, which is in XOTcl 1 just a comment

- minor cleanup

    • -5
    • +5
    • -1
    • +2
- added non positional parameter "type" to "get_parameter"

    • -9
    • +11
- provide minimal xotcl2 compatibility

untabify and indent

update dependencies

untabify and indent

    • -2
    • +2
sort output from category::get_children and tidy the proc

Apply show/hide action on activity structure to its children.

Show activity structure element only if there are visible children.

    • -1
    • +5
Search next activity only in visible plays

    • -6
    • +16
Make deleting dom tree more robust

Fix typo

Update documentation

Update comment

Update proc documentation

Fix typo

Fix typo

Navigation context bar Internationalization

untabify and indent

    • -164
    • +164
change the fullquery name, using the same namespace that the calling proc.