• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
deactivate background_delivery for connections via nsopenssl

deactivate background_delivery for connections via nsopenssl

Zen print view fixes

beautify graph: show only documented methods, show siblings

add experimental class drawer

    • -0
    • +121
draw class hierarchy

Cleaned up forums.js. As discussed in e-mail, changed generic function names

such as "toggle()" to "forums_toggle()" to reduce the odds of future name

clashes causing as much confusion and embarrassment as the recent ones in zen

and forums did. Made formatting consistent. Got rid of template::head calls

to load unused javascript which just made the code more confusing.

Behavior matches .LRN 2.2 behavior, the arrow on a message collapses or

expands that message only, not its subtree. Subtree would probably be better

(and I swear it did, once upon a time) but that will have to wait for the

future if people want it.

    • -14
    • +1
Roll back my previous commit that put the last dequeue call into a default block of the switch. Objects that have insert/update and delete operations in the same run would never be dequeued otherwise.

    • -4
    • +7
file upgrade-5.4.1d1-5.4.1d2.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-4.

Fixed for en_CA and fr_CA locale definitions

make query variable and form variable interface more consistent

make query and form interface more uniform

provide default values for method property

    • -4
    • +4
fix unboud varibable, intorduced in last refactoring

    • -2
    • +2
handle strange input fields with empty names from Safari 3.*

handle strange input fields with empty names from Safari 3.*

I think I removed a bit too much, such as stuff related to optional ajax

usage or something like that, so I put it back.

    • -1
    • +14
Got rid of Victor's terribly broken button stuff, and got simple open/close

message to work. However it only affects the one message, I thought it's

supposed to open/close subtrees ...

    • -5
    • +0
    • -29
    • +2
updating catalog files

make exported code slightly smaller

    • -4
    • +10
Got overeager with my version bumping ...

Ooops, got a bit over agressive with my version bumping

Fix apm_package_instance_delete in Oracle to delete content_folders of the package.

Now PostgreSQL and Oracle behave the same way, before the content_folders were only deleted in the PostgreSQL version.

some minor oracle fixes

Bumped version number to 2.4.0d1

ANOTHER missing message key! (sigh) Available_Messages ...

make page_order available for Oracle and postgres installations without ltree

bump version numbers for upgrade script

    • -4
    • +4
    • -2
    • +2
    • -16
    • +7
    • -13
    • +4
fix typo

HTML Strict cleanup

Making switch's optional and adding object_id as a positional parameter.

This was causing problems when executing alias GetURL for contracts one_assigment_notif_type

and one_evaluation_notif_type. Thanks to Byron Linares for the patch (bhlr@galileo.edu)