• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Close tag in email sent out when tasks are closed.

Fix bug where hours logged to a task wouldn't show up if the default

logger variable (hours2) for a project was not the same as the default

variable (hours).

Added in more explanation about adding yourself to unix groups.

Fix bug in pm::task::close that prevented notifications from going out.

Fixed username constraint problem and added two new optional columns: password (if the admin wants to assign a password) and notify (wether the user should receive an email at all "f" "t").

Adds in HTML email notifications. Note: requires bug fix in

acs-tcl/tcl/html-email-procs.tcl (copy from head of oacs-5-1)

Applying patch 394: fix for upgrade script 4.6.2-4.6.3

Applying patch 471 for bug 1665: Make param check more robust.

Applying patch 587 for bug 1973: on delete cascade for

notifications/notification_requests acs_objects

Applying patch 528 for bug 1887: Single point in mail body causes problems.

Resolves bug 2095, nsoracle.so vs ora8.so bug.

Fix query which expires older items

Fixes bug which prevents daily reminder emails from going out

Recommend Aolserver 4.08, Postgres 7.4.5 instead of 7.4.1, minor

changes to compilation of nspostgres.

Added changes necessary for lors.

closed to Closed.

Simplify the email notifications.

Add option to edit tasks en masse from tasks page.

Fixes bug that prevented display of all tasks on calendar

Applying patch 595, fixing bug 2096.

Added forgotten templates

    • -0
    • +156
Added section on pam-radius

file install-pam-radius.html was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

Added section on PAM Radius, thanks to Nima.

Changes to track the addition of package_id to acs_objects for 5.2.

    • -3
    • +4
Fixing a typo.

Moved fs::publish_versioned_object_to_file_system.select_file_name out to database specific files, to fix a bug downloading archives in Oracle installations. The bug caused the entire contents of content-repository-content-files to get copied into the temp directory, once for each file in the archive. Great for filling up disk drives.

Script did not work for postgreSQL, I changed it. (trigger)

Script did not work for postgreSQL, I changed it. (trigger)

Patch #594, Fixes bug#2092, syntax errors in upgrade script.