• last updated 6 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added multiple stati for the offer list

Removed probably unnecessary transactions

Fixing check on existing invoice

Fixing automatica offer creation

    • -55
    • +79
Fixed problem with running out of db pools

added return_with_id

Added mass generation of invoices

    • -0
    • +342
    • -0
    • +285
fixing creation date

fixing some merge issues and verifying that the merge is allowed to take place

fixing form_var_list for privacy issues

fixing one more title/name confusion

adding another missing message

adding missing message

added configuration option for replacing spaces by underscores

Set the email/username and password fields via css, some versions of IE mismatch their lengths even if set via the size attrib

Set the email/username and password fields via css, some versions of IE mismatch their lengths even if set via the size attrib

Added more fields to uos-details.

Added includelets for uos-details.

Added some utility procs for retrieving pretty names.

Added translations.

Hide instructors in filter that's not in any of the displayed courses

Added translations.

Added more details to uos-details

Added virtual URL for displaying uos-details when given a URL similar to .../uos/EBUS3003

Shrunk stream maps.

Added link to manuals.

Added link to manuals.

Added manual for Unit Coordinators

Added manual for Unit Coordinators

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Added 'Who's this?' above +