• last updated 2 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added a clue to the 'no select_query or select_query_name clause

exists error' message

fixed merge glitch

Changing bug-tracker to work with workflow version 2.0d1. Making use of enabled_action_id instead of action_id/case_id on the bug page

in the bug listing query, setting parent_enabled_action_id to null in where clause to only get top workflows

changing proc workflow::case::fsm::get to allow parent_enabled_action_id to be null. Removing two obsolete TODOs

Adding tcl API for content_symlinks.

Fixed TODO: 'Associated with 1' should say 'Associated With'

Added -handlers to workflow::role::edit

Ensure that child workflows have an initial action, and that it changes state

Finished recursive end-to-end

on the object confirm deletion page in citybuild show which object is being deleted

qualify column in where clause with table name for clarity

More recursive/parallel

hiding all B priority TODOs from the UI. Revamping the cast and case-admin pages with Lars's help. Adding a page listing users playing a certain role in a simulation case

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
upped version to 5.1.0d1

edited requirements list to reflect Lars' work

Fixed cloning of recursive/parallel

    • -70
    • +58
lots of extra comments

    • -47
    • +44
making the label of the neither invited nor mandatory groups sensitive to the enroll_type of the simulation.

action attribute recipient_role is now recipient_roles


Added templated spec page

    • -0
    • +6
The usual incremental progress ...

Removed this version of acs-mail-lite from contrib as it is already in /packages in a cleaned up way.

Added the forgotten documentation.

    • -0
    • +74
Recursive cloning

Removed obsolete files, now that we are using search.adp.

Changed the file to be useable in a .tcl/.adp environment, getting rid of the manual parsing happening within the .tcl file.

    • -99
    • +68
Added the search.adp file to follow OpenACS standards.

    • -0
    • +116
file search.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-0.

    • -0
    • +0