Gustaf A. Neumann <neumann@imac.lan>
on 22 Mar 10
- xotcl 1.6.6: more cases for the regression test, where we want to load xotcl1 not 2
library/lib/make.xotcl (+1 -1)
1 1 # $Id: make.xotcl,v 1.4 2006/09/27 08:12:40 neumann Exp $
2 2 ### inEachDir changes now to each directory
3 3 ### install clears tgarget directory before installing
4 4 ### Object file added (for better -n processing)
5 5 #lappend auto_path ..
6 6
7   package require XOTcl
  7 package require XOTcl 1
8 8 namespace import -force ::xotcl::*
9 9
10 10 ###
11 11 Object make
12 12 #
13 13 # shared lib add files for pkgIndex.tcl
14 14 #
15 15 make proc mkIndex {name} {
16 16   #puts stderr "+++ mkIndex in [pwd]"
17 17   set fls {}
18 18   foreach f [glob -nocomplain *tcl] {
19 19     if {![file isdirectory $f]} {
20 20       set F [open $f]; set c [read $F]; close $F
21 21       if {[string match "*package provide*" $c]} { lappend fls $f }
22 22     }
23 23   }
24 24
25 25   set so [glob -nocomplain *[info sharedlibextension]]
26 26   # loading libxotcl into xotclsh crashes on some systems
27 27   foreach lib [list libxotcl$::xotcl::version[info sharedlibextension] \