• last updated a few minutes ago
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perform script about after internal redirect

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Prettify code

Mode is in fact the value of the nsv

Force the encoding on the channel to utf-8 in every case (fixes umlaut characters when using ns_connchan backend)

Add a quick run of the basic CRUD operations on ORM to avoid issues when e.g. no particular object member is explicitly supplied

Check for existance of :context_id

Allow to specify and update the context_id for a CrItem (fixes xotcl-core.test_cr_items automated test)

Modifying IP really comes from the item and not from the revision (as normally comes from the automatically generated view ${table_name}i which says so)

Update database idioms

Use a prepared statement

Update object memory image according to its new database values when we update (fixes xotcl-core.test_xo_db_object automated test)

Do not return empty context_ids for the test, make sure value will have to change

Save the object title as well when updating (improves xotcl-core automated tests)

whitespace cleanup

new API method Table->column_names to query the defined columns of a table.

simplify logic

    • -3
    • +12
Test behavior before and after a full fetch, make sure that the chosen context_id is not the previous one

Be stricter in CrItem tests as well

Be stricter and treat known suboptimal behaviors in ORM interface as test failures

return [ad_conn peeraddr] instead of [ns_conn peeraddr] as default for IP address as creator/modifier IP address

Fix xotcl-core cr-items test: modifying IP comes in fact from the cr_item's acs_object (it is also on the revision, but on the items seems to take into account e.g. proxying)

Throw application-specific disconnection errors instead than plain errors, so they can be handled as less severe

change references from "http://*tcl.tk/" to "https://*tcl-lang.org/"

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
white-space changes

provide on reviews not only the web-based diff, but as well a text based diff, in case the web-based diff

fails to show differences.

Fix typo

avoid double substitutions

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
whitespace cleanup

avoid double substitution

do not add __csrf_token to sort order url