• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Deprecate calendar::from_sql_datetime, not used upstream and superseded by modern HTML5 features and clock idioms

Increase proc coverage

Increase proc coverage

Increase proc coverage

Increase proc coverage

Deprecate calendar::adjust_date, implementing a trivial default logic

Fix typo

calendar_ids_list won't be passed in the right format to be validated in the page contract, in exchange, quote it properly in the database

Use standard %H:%M notation to pass the event time to calendar creation

Clarify idiom, improve markup

    • -7
    • +11
Fix typo

Modernize idiom

Harden page contract, use modern date widget to avoid custom date parsing

    • -31
    • +11
Fix spec syntax

Cleanup variables never used and form never rendered

Harden and modernize page contract, remove reference to non-existing database columns from ancient downstream installations

Reinstate lost comment

Use modern date and time form input types so that the time values validated by the contract are the same used by the UI and no different values can be supplied to the form via the pseudo-fields for e.g. year, day and so on...

Shorten idiom

Modernize and tighten page contract

Validate start_date the same way as date

register javascript click event for adding a calender entry only once for each day

before javascript event was registered multiple times: for each day and for each calender event

javascript click event for adding a calender entry was also fired when a calender event was viewed

use adp:icon and fix broken layout

- prefer adp:icon over old-style .gif images

- fix line-breaks in table headers of week-calender, which causes

diffent heights of some of the table headers (1 line vs. 2lines)

This was a problem at least with bootstrap5

    • -2
    • +1
prefer adp:icon over old-style .gif images

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Allow only one format for the 'date' query parameter, bringing the page contract in line with the "Go to date"-form on this page from which this value is supplied.

Improve doc

Deprecate template::util::is_true, implemented as a simple string command oneliner since 2015 and inline occurrences

  1. … 33 more files in changeset.
Depend on the new features in acs-tcl

Add include contract, bring export page parameter in the page contract, fix javascript handlers

Add include contract

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.