• last updated 18 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Deprecate template::util::tcl_to_sql_list, completely replaced by ns_dbquotelist, a native NaviServer command

  1. … 17 more files in changeset.
Improve test portability

Baseline test of captcha robustness: challenge the captcha using tesseract, also applying basic normalizations

Fix tests according to new behavior

Test newly introduced api

file captcha-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

improve spelling

  1. … 42 more files in changeset.
Extend 'validate_url' test case

Unify URL checking, now that 'util_url_valid_p' accepts relative URLs. Extend 'validate_url' test case and bump package version for dependencies.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Add 'get_url_directory' test case, covering 'template::util::get_url_directory'

Add 'nvl' test case, covering 'template::util::nvl'

Add 'number_list' test case, covering 'template::util::number_list'

file util-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Add 'validate_currency' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::currency'

Break overlong lines

Add 'validate_oneof' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::oneof'

Add 'validate_textdate' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::textdate'

Add 'validate_enumeration' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::checkbox_enumeration'

Extend 'validate_text' test case and reduce code duplication

Extend 'validate_search' test case with 'template::data::validate::party_search'

Add 'validate_checkbox_text' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::checkbox_text'

Add 'validate_file' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::file'

Add 'validate_search' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::search'

Extend 'validate_date' with 'template::data::validate::time_of_day'

Add 'util_negative' test case, covering 'template::util::negative'

Add 'validate_date' test case, covering 'template::data::validate', 'template::data::validate::date' and 'template::data::validate::timestamp'

Add 'validate_url_element' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::url_element'

Add 'validate_url' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::url'

Add 'validate_filename' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::filename'

Add 'validate_keyword' test case, covering 'template::data::validate' and 'template::data::validate::keyword'