• last updated 14 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Changeset MAIN:gustafn:20220419172406:2 does not match your current filter (clear filter).

file csv16.png was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • binary
file eye-slash16.png was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • binary
file download16.png was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • binary
Make use of uniform styling based on adp:icon

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
New parameter for acs-subsite "CSSToolkit"

- potential values: empty ("", default), "bootstrap" (referring to Bootstrap 3) and

"bootstrap5" (referring to Bootstrap 5)

- When the value is empty then the CSS toolkit is determined based on

the name of the theme of the current subsite. When this name

contains bootstrap5 then "bootstrap5" is chosen as toolkit, when it conntains

bootstrap3, then "bootstrap" otherwise it is left empty.

New parameter for acs-subsite "IconSet"

- potential values: empty ("", default), "classic" (old-style gif/png images),

"glyphicons" (Part of Bootstrap 3), and "bootstrap-icons" (usable

for all themes).

- When the value is empty then the iconset is determined

based on the CSSToolkit and/or the installation of the

"bootstrap-icons" OpenACS packages. When the toolkit is "bootstrap"

this indicates "Bootstrap 3", and "glyphicons" are used. When the

"bootstrap-icons" package is installed, it is used, otherwise the

"classic" iconset is used.

- bumped version number of acs-subsite to 5.10.1d2

Fixes for Oracle 19c: boolean types in query

This fixes the following bug for Oracle:

[13/Feb/2022:17:53:36][8701.7f9f62f0b700][-conn:oacs-5-10-0:default:0:0-] Error: nsoracle.c:1367:OracleSelect: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-00920: invalid relational operator


: SQL:


: select p.package_id,

: p.instance_name,

: n.node_id,

: n.name,

: :subsite_url || n.name as url,

: (select count(*)

: from group_approved_member_map m

: where m.rel_type = 'membership_rel'

: and m.group_id = ag.group_id) as num_members,

: (select min(r2.member_state)

: from group_member_map m2,

: membership_rels r2

: where m2.group_id = ag.group_id

: and m2.member_id = :untrusted_user_id

: and r2.rel_id = m2.rel_id) as member_state,

: g.group_id,

: g.join_policy

: from site_nodes n,

: apm_packages p,

: application_groups ag,

: groups g

: where n.parent_id = :subsite_node_id

: and p.package_id = n.object_id

: and p.package_key in ('acs-subsite')

: and ag.package_id = p.package_id

: and g.group_id = ag.group_id

: and (g.join_policy !>>>!!= 'closed' or acs_permission.permission_p(p.package_id, :untrusted_user_id, 'read'))

: order by lower(instance_name)


Fixes for Oracle 19c: boolean types in query

This fixes the following bug for Oracle:

': ORA-00920: invalid relational operator


: SQL:

: select p.package_id,

: p.instance_name,

: n.node_id,

: n.name

: from site_nodes n,

: apm_packages p,

: apm_package_types t

: where n.parent_id = :subsite_node_id

: and p.package_id = n.object_id

: and t.package_key = p.package_key

: and t.package_type = 'apm_application'

: and acs_permission.permission_p(p.package_id, :user_id, 'read')

: !>>>!order by upper(instance_name)


fix cut&paste issue

    • -1
    • +1
Fixes for Oracle 19c recursive query

Oracle has a slightly differnt syntax for CTEs require arguments, keyword "recursive" is not allowed.

This fixes the following error during initial installation:

nsoracle.c:1367:OracleSelect: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-00905: missing keyword


with recursive !>>>!object_hierarchy as (

select object_type, supertype

from acs_object_types

where object_type = coalesce(:object_type, (select object_type

from acs_objects

where object_id = :object_id))

union all

select t.object_type, t.supertype

from acs_object_types t,

object_hierarchy s

where t.object_type = s.supertype


select distinct callback, callback_type as type

from subsite_callbacks

where event_type = :event_type

and object_type in (select object_type from object_hierarchy)

    • -0
    • +30
    • -0
    • +30
Deprecate template::util::tcl_to_sql_list, completely replaced by ns_dbquotelist, a native NaviServer command

  1. … 17 more files in changeset.
Whitespace cleanup

Streamline ns_set idiom

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Streamline idiom

Bump version number after message key spelling changes

improve german message keys (spelling, comma, spaces, orthogonality)

    • -11
    • +11
  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
improve safety of SQL queries

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Reduce divergency between oracle and postgres codebase

    • -25
    • +0
    • -22
    • +0
Cleanup unreferenced SQL

    • -15
    • +0
Reduce divergency between oracle and postgres codebase

    • -27
    • +0
    • -23
    • +0
fix release dates in .info files

  1. … 82 more files in changeset.
release work

  1. … 204 more files in changeset.
whitespace changes

    • -96
    • +96
regenerated documentation

    • -3
    • +3
    • -1
    • +1
    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 464 more files in changeset.
bump version numbers of 5.9|5.10 packages to 5.10.0b1

adjust dependencies

  1. … 87 more files in changeset.
improve validation of email address and user-id used as source for email address

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Reduce usage of ns_mktemp in OpenACS

ns_mktemp uses the deprecated old POSIX call mktemp(), which should

not be used anymore for security reasons (race between the name

creation and opening the file). This change removes several usages of

"ns_mktemp" from OpenACS and replaces it with calls to the

safe Tcl call "file tempfile ..." (introduced by Tcl 8.6).

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
Make package_id explicit

Add 'acs_subsite_rel_segment_new' test case, covering 'rel_segment::new', 'rel_segment::delete' and 'group::get_rel_segment'

Add 'acs_subsite_application_group_new' test case, covering 'application_group::new' and 'application_group::delete'

Add 'acs_subsite_rel_type_roles' test case, covering 'rel_types::create_role' and 'rel_types::create_role'