• last updated 6 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Document more explicitly that we do not perform filesystem operations when deleting files via the fs:: api, but we rely on the content repository and its trigger+scheduled proc mechanism

Document behavior: the assumption that one can derive the filename from the api is not correct in case of copies

Revert https://cvs.openacs.org/changelog/OpenACS?cs=oacs-5-10%3Aantoniop%3A20240423144330

currently, file-storage will copy files by simply copying the revision entry of the new file from the original one. This means that copied files will in fact point to the same filesystem file of the original.

This "works" because the file-storage api will currently never delete a file from the filesystem, so deleting the original file will not affect the copies.

This behavior is probably not ideal, but we won't address it before the release, as to change it will most likely require some careful planning, in particular for existing installations.

improved robustness during bootstrap

improved speling

improved spelling

updated jqueryui to latest version

improved spelling

bumped version numbers due to upstream releases

Extended "ad_conn behind_secure_proxy_p"

This test will be now true, when either the recieved request

contains one of those request header fields.

- "X-SSL-Request: 1"

- "X-Forwarded-Proto: https"

Before, only the first variant was accepted.

The AWS load balancer uses the second variant.

whitespace changes

Fixed potential infinie loop when source code looks like an regexp call

The api-code prettifier contains several heuristics for prettifying

source code without being a proper parser. It contains a

"Hack for nasty regexp stuff" which could run potentially into an infinite

parsing loop. This change fixes an acutal bug on openacs.org for file [1]

which is site-local.

[1] https://openacs.org/api-doc/procs-file-view?path=packages/xowf/tcl/openacs-procs.tcl&version_id=5526548&source_p=1

fix typo

Permit "lang::message::cache" in acs::clusterwide operations

improvement for ACS clusters

Incorporated changes as suggested by Jonathan Kelley

For details, see https://openacs.org/forums/message-post?parent_id=5814308

Base "ad_conn behind_proxy_p" on "ns_conn details" when available

Inject a reference to the current connection package into the tinymce conf (when used outside of xowiki)

Fix file metadata

Provide a reference to the current object when configuring tinymce

Allow to completely override the imageSelectorDialog URL downstream

Fix typo

Don't trigger the "too long without artifacts" timeout in case we are just doing dummy uploads

Fallback to the editor from parameter in the generic api, rather than the widget, so fallback will work also outside of ad_form

Introduce for richtext editors the concept of "preset"

A preset is an abstract set configurations designed to address a specific use case.

An example could be a preset for a "minimal" richtext editor, used in those forms where we want to limit the features a user should have access to. Other presets could address specific usages or applications.

Downstream developers can provide a set of ::richtext::$editor::preset::$preset procs, returning an options dict. This set of options will be merged other local configurations.

The same approach works in ad_forms and xowiki forms.

This also enables the use-case of switching to a different editor maintaining the existing application-specific configurations consistent.

Drop the old approacs based on ::acs_blank_master__htmlareas and use explicit id configuration

TinyMCE XoWiki formfield integration

We introduce a new richtext mixin richtext::tinymce, requiring the richtext-tinymce package, currently integrating TinyMCE editor 7.0.1.

This implementation has been tested with regular, repeat, compound and repeatedcompound fields.

Downstream implementations based on this formfield can customize the editor configuration further, e.g. provide custom plugins via the api parameters.

    • -3
    • +3
Move hardcoded configuration out of the default (can be overridden by parameter in case), add image and code plugins in the default, set branding to false by default

Add a richtext to the test formfields specifications

Move back richtext formfield implementations in form-field-procs

Moving to a different file may affect dependencies defined on form-field-procs that also expect the richtext editor to be loaded. As breaking changes are not desirable now, we revert this reform.

Add minimal styling to inline editors