
  • last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fixed missing update_content-lob.set_content

Added missing set_content SQL statement for updating revisions stored in LOBs.

This statement was already missing in the release of OpenACS 5.10.0.

LOBs are for PostgreSQL somewhat depreacted and these are just there for

legacy applications.

    • -2
    • +9
new function: ::content::revision::export_to_filesystem

This change moves functionality from file-storage to acs-content-repository.

all application packages should be free of internals, such as the storage

type. Storage_type should be handeled in the content-repository package.

We are not yet done, there is still more to do in this respect in

the file-storage package.

    • -1
    • +9
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
Refactor content repository backend

The refactored code is a first step to become able to provide plugins

for backends for storing content in different systems. Instead of

using switch statements to distinguish between backends "file", "lob"

and "text", procs with a suffix of the storage name are provided

now. Essentially, by providing process with additional suffixes can be

used to provide additional storage systems.

In addition, the deletion handling was also refactored such that the

non-scalable functions iterating over all items (such as

"cr_check_orphaned_files") will become obsolete. This is imporant for

content repositories with double and triple digit terabytes.

    • -22
    • +4
  1. … 16 more files in changeset.