• last updated 9 hours ago
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Rework parameter check:

the way the if was construed would allow e.g.:

1. a value for EmailRegistrationConfirmationToUserP = 'nottrue' to pass the first if, but fail the second.

2. a value EmailRegistrationConfirmationToUserP = 'false' to be "true" in the first if, but not in the second

In fact, if EmailRegistrationConfirmationToUserP should be a boolean, there is no need to further check the other parameters and variables in the second if. This change is not 100% equivalent to the previous code, but makes it clear that EmailRegistrationConfirmationToUserP should be interpreted as a boolean and fixes these inconsistencies.

Make clear that parameters come from the same subsite

Fix signature of service contract implementation, that is defined with 3 and not 4 arguments, complete coverage of the auth_password contract local implementation

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Bring the implementation of the "Search" operation of the "auth_search" service contract in line with the operation's definition by correcting the returned value ("username" instead of "user_id") and restricting the search to the local authority.

Streamline idiom: we are only interested in the user ids

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- Rework acs-api-browser.callgraph__bad_calls automated test so that acs-service-contract calling contract implementation is considered OK

- Reinstate authentication service contracts as private

- Move test authority implementation to acs-authentication to remove intra-package dependency

acs-api-browser.callgraph__bad_call still fails because proc acs-tcl.install::xml::action::create-user calls private acs-authentication.auth::local::registration::Register... to be continued

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Make api public, complies with acs-api-browser.graph__bad_calls automated test

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Make service contract implementation public

Complies with acs-api-browser.callgraph__bad_calls